Chapter 18

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--Win Metawin--

Luke and I met at the parking lot and greet each other. He then guided me to his car and drove to the mall to have a little fun.

'I pray for all your love

Girl, our love is so unreal

I just wanna reach and touch you, squeeze you, somebody pinch me

(I must be dreaming)

This is something like a movie

And I don't know how it ends, girl

But I fell in love with my best friend'

The song that was played on his stereo was Bestfriend by Jason Chen, before I was shocked because it's in English and I thought it only has Chinese version. I browsed it on safari before and found out that the English version was more popular than the Chinese version.

"Why did you played that song?" I got curious, there are so many songs to choose but he picked that one. It's not like I'm affected or such but I'm just curious. Is he also in love with his bestfriend? or is he in love right now?

"Don't overthink haha my playlist was on shuffle and I didn't also expect that it would play since that song was really old. But since you asked about that I just remembered something, do you remember the first day we met?" Damn, who would've forget that embarrassing day?!

"yeah why?"

"You said that 'thank you for catching me when my bestfriend couldn't.' and so I thought, are you in love with your bestfriend?" He asked and looked at me.

"Yes" I answered him honestly and I looked back at him. There's no point in hiding that right? One day I know he'll ask if who's the one I like, so he'll knew it eventually.

"woah that was so straightforward of you, I didn't expect that you would answer it so honestly. I guess your bestfriend is the one whom we met at the parking lot before, am I right? and his name is Bright right?"

"yes, and also yes but as you also can see I'm not with him today because he's with the one he loves."

"oh dang, is going out and having fun at the mall is your thing or like tradition every Friday afternoon?" He asked and I looked away, I almost teared up after hearing his question and remembering all those fun times we had back then.

"Y-yes but for now let's not talk about him, we're supposed to have fun today right?" I said to avoid his question. He smiled and nodded at me. I just really don't want to ruin this day and be emotional right now so might as well avoid the question and focus on what's gonna happen later.

Minutes later we arrived at the mall and went straightly to the cinemas to watch a movie. We we're supposed to watch a romantic movie but then we we're late and the movie already started so we just watched Brahms: The Boy II. Gladly I'm really not scared of watching horror films but I admit that I often shouted at some jump scares scene's. Luke bought the tickets and I did to the popcorns and drinks then we both went inside to the cinemas.

Third Person's POV

As Win and Luke went inside of the cinemas, they immediately find their seats and sat there while watching the movie. Everything seems so fine but when it was already halfway of the movie Win got so cold and Luke noticed that the latter is trembling. So he took off his jacket and gave it to Win.

"Thank you Luke, but how about you? Aren't you cold?"

"Nah it's fine, I'm used to cold places since I lived in Canada when I was in Highschool."

【𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝: A BrightWin Story】
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