Chapter 19

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—Bright Vachirawit—

It's Friday and everyone's favorite day of the week including me. It was early in the morning and I just woke up, I went to the window where I used to see Win walking while going to school and I was shocked when he went out of his house and walked outside the subdivision. Is he already going to school? But it's still early or maybe he's meeting with someone else. Yeah, maybe he's meeting with someone else because he looked so happy while walking.Wait, or maybe he has a date later? But why didn't he told me tho. 

I closed my curtains and went to the bathroom to take a bath of course and tried to make my face and body presentable. I've been planning to take Earn today at the mall since it's Friday and we don't have classes tomorrow just to have fun with her by watching a movie and then play at the arcade with her, I hope she likes playing at the arcade like Win and I used to.

I went out to fetch Earn at her house and we both went to school together, we've been like this for almost weeks now and all I can say is that I think we have this progress going on and we're happy in each other's company. We've also been texting endlessly and other people would say that we should date but she would always say 'at the right time hahaha' and I just went along with that. I respect her decision but I sometimes think if when will that 'right time' comes.

I parked my car in the parking lot of the school and I looked at Earn and she's staring at her phone seriously, we've already arrived at the school but she's still on her phone. I gently tapped her shoulder as a sign that we should go out and went to our room and she looked so shocked like I just did something horrible. She then smiled and hides her phone in her bag and we went inside of our school.

"Earn what's wrong?" I asked her while we're walking towards our room. she's been so silent since she saw something on her phone back at my car.

"Nothing haha I was just thinking about what to do later since it's Friday and my parents aren't home so I don't know where to eat dinner." She said. Ah, so that's why she is staring at her phone awhile ago. She's worrying about how to spend her Friday night.

"Don't ya worry, will you mar— I mean go out with me later at the mall? Let's have fun!" I said. I swear I didn't mean to say that line, but partly I also want to.

"You're really crazy hahaha but yes I'll go out with you later." She laughed and I also laughed about my stupidity. After that we went inside of our room and I can hear Off and Mew's voice coming from the back.

We went at our seats and I didn't mind Off and Mew's 'discussion'. They don't want it to call as 'gossip' because it just sounded so gay but they are still doing it. I placed my notebook on my desk and doodled randomly on one of the pages  because the professor is still not here and I am literally bored when I heard Off and Mew's discussion, it was all about Win and Luke.

'Off did Gun mentioned to you that Win and Luke are going out?' Mew questioned, what?! I looked at Mew but he didn't noticed me. That's impossible! He didn't told me that they are already together.

'Nah but he told me that something was fishy and suspicious between them because one time he saw Luke guiding Win towards his car and they drove off to wherever place they went. I honestly also think that there is something off between them because I saw Luke dropped Win off at his room earlier.' Off said.

'Do you think they would work out if ever they discovered that they have feelings for each other?'  I tried ignoring Mew's question but I ended up listening to Off's answer. He may sometimes be an a**ho*e but his answers we're very reliable when it comes to these questions or topic. I focused on what Off would answer, I bet he would say that 'they'll never work out because they're just not for each other.'

【𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝: A BrightWin Story】
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