8. Pillow Talk

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Forth, Beam and Thad go on with their usual days trying to ignore the nearing day that Beam will have to leave. They wanted to earn as much as many happy memories together.

In the morning they will take care of the nursery of the seedlings that they will plant for another batch of vegetables. Beam will bathe Thad while Forth will also take his bath before they will have breakfast together.

Beam and Thad would also accompany Forth to the orchard to check on the fruit trees or sometimes they will have a picnic in the middle of the apple trees.

In the evening, Beam and Forth will cook dinner together while having fun in the kitchen with Thad.

After dinner, they will watch television until Thad would drift off to sleep.

Forth lifted Thad in his arms to bring to their room while Beam turned off the television and the lights after he have tidy the couch.

"Beam...ahm...can you sleep with us?" Forth remained standing with Thad in his arms while waiting for Beam's reply.

Beam gaped at Forth and looked at the peacefully sleeping boy in Forth's arms with his thoughtful face .

"Okay..." Beam softly whispered and walked behind Forth who instantly smiled when he heard Beam's reply.

Forth settled Thad in the bed while Beam hesitantly entered the room.

"Just lock the door" Forth turned his way while he covered Thad with his blanket.

Beam did what he was told and silently approached the bed while Forth is sitting at the edge of it.

"Lets lie down" Forth mumbled softly while he looked up at Beam who nodded and walked at the other side of Thad.

"Ahm...can I sleep beside you?" Forth continued to stare at Beam with his hopeful look.

Beam gaped and intently stared at Forth before he slowly nodded.

"How about Thad? He might fell on the side" Beam asked when he walked towards Forth's side and sit beside him.

"Just hold him and put a pillow on his side" Forth replied and helped Beam to lay down facing Thad after he moved Thad a little on the side.

Forth lay down beside Beam and hugged him from behind while he snuggled his face on Beams neck, inhaling his sweet scent.

They were silent for awhile but both are still wide awake while in their own deep thoughts.

"I will miss this" Forth mumbled softly which is replied by Beam with a deep sigh and silence ruled between them again.

"I dont want to ask why you need to go... I dont want to ask of what are we to each other this time... I dont want to tie you down with promises but...but..." Forth continued while he constantly peck Beams neck.

Beam endured the goosebumps that Forth's hot breath is making him feel while he waited for Forth to finish what he is saying.

"but...a part of me is wanting to make you commit...that..." Forth paused for awhile to take a deep breath.

"Beam, can I wait for you? Can I ask you to come back to us if ever you have finished what you needed to do?..." Forth paused again and heaved a sigh.

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