9. Earning Memories

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Beam is busy wiping Forth's sweat while they are tending the garden.

Beam would giggle everytime Forth would peck him in the nose.

"P'Forth...Thad will see us" Beam glared at Forth who just grinned at him.

"He wont mind" Forth whispered and pecked Beam's lips which made Beam blushed.

"Papa and P'Beam are so sweet" Beam was startled when he heard Thad's teasing voice beside them.

Forth just chuckled and went back to what he is doing. They are preparing the vegetable beds for the lettuce and tomato which will be transfered tomorrow from the nursery.

Beam turned to Thad and wiped the boy's soiled face because of playing in the vegetable bed that his father is making.

"Lets take a bath now, you looked messy and...hmmm...you smelled like the sun and sweat now" Beam exclaimed while wiping and smelling Thad's face and neck.

"P'Beam...who will take care of me if you will leave?" Thad looked up at Beam with his doe eyes. Forth paused and turned to Beam who is also looking at him.

"Ahm...papa will take care of you while P'Beam have not come back yet" Beam explained with his warm smile.

"You will still work far away P'Beam?" Thad added.

"Yes I will work hard for Thad and papa" Beam replied with a nod.

"You will buy me toys?" Thad continued to ask with his bright eyes and expectant smile.

"Of course...toys, clothes, foods and anything you want, P'Beam will buy it all for you. I will also send cake for your birthday, how about that?" Beam smiled tenderly while he gently combed Thad's already wet hair from his sweat.

"Chocolate cake!?" Thad exclaimed excitedly.

"Yes, delicious chocolate cake and toys" Beam agreed with a smile.

Beam have begged Forth that he will be allowed to send Thad something from time to time especially on special occasions. He really pleaded with Forth that although he cannot come back soon, he will be given a chance to provide for them both and luckily Forth agreed. Forth have simply set aside his pride for Beam and Thad's happiness.

"Promise?" Thad smiled brightly at Beam who raised his right hand to make his promise.

"Promise" Beam exclaimed sincerely with his warm smile.

Leaving them is not that suffocating for Beam anymore after him and Forth have talked. He will still be sad if the time comes for him to leave but atleast he already have a clear vision of the future together with Forth and Thad. Thats all enough for him for now.

"Papa and me will blow the candle" Thad excitedly exclaimed.

"You can invite your friends too if you want" Beam said cheerfully.

"Even P'Rose?" Thad smiled teasingly.

"If you wanted to...why not" Beam tried to act casually but Forth's intent and gauging look made Beam pout at him which earned him a chuckle from the father and son.

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