17. Private

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Beam made Thad lie down on the huge bed after he took his own shower.

"P'Beam...goodnight. I pray that this is not just a dream" Thad whispered with his worried tone which made Beam and Forth gaped at him.

"Hey baby...of course this is not a dream. I am here now with you and tomorrow if you wake up, Im still beside you and papa" Beam carefully explained while he gently combed Thads hair with his fingers.

"Im just afraid P'Beam, I always dreamed that you came back but when I woke up, its all not true" Thad mumbled softly with his almost teary eyes.

Forth who is about to enter the bathroom suddenly paused and watched his son and Beam with his tender eyes.

"This time its not a dream little man, P'Beam has come back. I pinched papa and papa pinched me earlier because we also thought that this was all a dream, but I got hurt with papa's pinch and papa also got hurt of my pinch, so this is true" Beam patiently explained to the troubled boy who gaped at him more.

"Can you pinch me too?" Thad asked Beam with his furrowed brows.

Beam smiled and gently pinched Thads hand.

"Ouch!" Thad exclaimed and paused.

"It hurts P'Beam!" Thad exclaimed happily.

"See... I told you its real...its not a dream buddy" Beam continued to assure the boy.

"Im so happy P'Beam, you came back just like you have promised me and papa" Thad wrapped his two small hands around Beams neck.

"I always keep my promises and I always longed to be with my baby and his papa because I love you so much" Beam sweetly smiled at Thad and kissed his nose, his forehead and his cheeks.

"I love you too P'Beam" Thad mumbled while he snuggled closer to Beam.

"You sleep now baby, its late already. Goodnight my little man" Beam softly whispered as he hugged the boy closer to him.

In just a few minutes a soft and steady snores came from the boy who is already asleep in Beams arms.

Forth and Beam looked at each other with their sympathetic look. They both understand what Thad is going through, both of them have also felt the fear that all that have happened might all just but a dream.

"Im not a dream P'Forth" Beam whispered while they both continued to stare at each other.

"How I really prayed that you are indeed not a dream Beam" Forth mumbled softly with a faint smile on his lips.

Beam heaved a sigh and slowly let go of Thad and arranged the pillows on his both sides before he stand up to walk towards Forth.

Forth followed Beam with his eyes while the younger guy walked towards him.

Beam stopped an inch away from Forth before Beam tiptoe and pressed his lips on Forth's.

Forth welcomed Beams soft and moist lips by pulling him closer to him as they shared the kiss that they yearned to have.

Forth become hungry when he tasted Beams lips again, the kiss deepened and become demanding.

"ahhn..." Beam moaned when he is tightly pressed against Forths muscled body. He can clearly feel Forth's hard on poking his own hard on.

"I missed you...so much" Forth hoarsely whispered against Beams wet and ravished lips.

"I missed...you too..."Beam hoarsely replied.

"I'll just take my shower" Forth continued to whisper.

"You...need help?" Beam seductively asked as he grind himself on Forths hard on.

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