18. First Morning

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Beam woke up with a sore body especially in the particular part below.

"Good morning P'Beam..." Beam was welcomed by an ecstatic voice of an excited boy.

Beam instantly smiled and hugged Thad who hugged him back.

"Good morning little man, hows your sleep?" Beam tried to make his voice cheerful even if his ass is burning like hell.

"I had a great sleep P'Beam and Im so happy that you are beside me when I woke up...you are not a dream P'Beam" Thad happily exclaimed while he hugged Beam tightly and buried his face on Beams neck.

Beam take the chance to grimace in pain while Thad is not looking at him when he heard a faint chuckle beside him.

He turned and glared at Forth who seemed to be enjoying his morning discomfort. But of course he cannot blame the man because he was the one who kept on begging Forth last night.

"Of course baby, I am not a dream, I came back for Thad and papa" Beam kissed the boy's forehead and smiled at him.

"Im so happy P'Beam..." Thad clasped his two hands in glee while smiling brightly.

"Lets order breakfast, brush your teeth now baby" Beam combed Thad's hair while telling him what to do.

"Yes P'Beam" Thad made a salute before he kissed Beam's and Forth's cheeks.

The instant Thad disappeared inside the bathroom, Beam slumped on Forth to find some comfort.

"My ass hurt so much" Beam whispered painfully while Forth hugged him carefully.

"Where's the painkiller? You have to take it" Forth gently asked while rubbing Beams backside and hips.

"In the drawer inside the bathroom. Give me two pills, you're freaking big...my ass is throbbing like crazy" Beam whispered painfully.

"More...more...more P'Forth..." Forth leaned towards Beams ear and imitated what Beam is saying last night which made Beam blushed profusely.

"P'Forth!" Beam softly exclaimed while he exasperatedly glared at Forth who just chuckled and pinched Beams pinkish cheek before he stand up to get the pills.

Forth and Thad went out together from the bathroom and they both returned to the bed beside Beam.

Forth subtly handed the pills to Beam and gave him a glass of water while Thad is busy inspecting his new toy robot on the bedside table.

Beam heaved a sigh and closed his eyes while he waited for the pills to take effect.

"Love can you order our breakfast please, anything that you and Thad wanted" Beam softly said with his eyes still closed.

"P'Beam are you sick?" Thad worriedly turned towards Beam who is leaning on the headboard.

"No baby, I was just tired from my flight yesterday" Beam instantly replied which is very true, he havent slept during his 16 hours flight. But of course he cannot discuss to the boy that he also have a burning ass because of his father.

"P'Beam you have a lot of mosquito bites in yout neck!" Thad suddenly gasped when he saw Beams neck and collar area.

"Huh?!" Beam hurriedly covered his neck with his two hands and he abrupty sit straight on the bed.

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