13. Out Of The Cage

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Forth did not expect that the call he received a few months ago will really happen.

He havent expected that Thad will have visitors after almost seven years since he was born.

The woman, Tilda and her husband arrived in Forth's house, with their reason that they wanted to meet their grandson.

Forth introduced Thad to his supposed grandparents who are obviously trying to win Thads attention. After all these years, its the first time that the couple showed interest in meeting Thad.

Thad looked confused of the sudden appearance of the couple claiming as his grandparents but he treated them politely although he felt uncomfortable around them.

Forth gave Thad and his grandparents the time to talk while he stayed in the kitchen, not interrupting the moment with their grandson.

The couple did not stayed long but promised to come back for another visit which Forth did not oppose.

"Papa who are they?" Thad asked after the couple have left.

"They are your mothers adoptive parents" Forth replied to the gaping boy who just remained quite while seemed to be waiting for more from his father.

"They adopted your mother when she was young. When we have you, we havent heard from them anymore since I brought your mama here. They were living in another city, far from here, twelve hours by train or bus" Forth tried to explain as simple as possible so that Thad could understand what he is trying to say.

"That far papa!?" Thad exclaimed in awe.

"Yes" Forth gave his son a warm smile.

"Am I adopted papa?" Thad asked after awhile which made Forth gape.

"What? No...of course not. You are my son, my own blood" Forth exasperatedly exclaimed when he was caught surprised of Thad's question.

Forth paused when he saw Thads teary eyes, he abruptly pulled Thad towards him and hugged the boy.

"Why did you think that you are adopted? Your mama carried you in her womb for nine months and I saw you grow inside your mama's tummy. You are not adopted because I took care of you and mama" Forth carefully explained to the troubled boy.

"I dont want you to leave me like they did to my mama. Even if I will have my own baby, you will still be with me because I am not adopted, right papa?" Thad worriedly mumbled while looking so afraid.

"Yes of course buddy... Papa will always be with you even if you are a big boy like papa" Forth assured his son while hugging him tight.

Forth understand what Thad is going through, indeed Thad is smart. Even as a child, he have his own understanding that family should be together regardless of circumstances.

The sudden appearance of the old couple confused Thad and it made the boy fear of the possibilities in the future.

Starting that day, Forth needed to constantly assure Thad that he wont leave him. Forth is quite disappointed because of the effect of the couple's presence to Thad.

In two months, Thad will be turning seven and he is already in first grade. Thads perception on several things improved tremendously.

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