Chapter 10

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You weren't in a lab anymore you were in a house. You recognised it straight away, it was your house.

"Y/n" you heard a woman shout your name.

"Yeah mum" you shouted before you even realised what you said the woman entered the room you were in, the room was lilac and it had everything a normal little kids room would have. You looked into the mirror that was on the wall. You were around 4 or 5.

"Hurry up and get ready for dinner. It's the last dinner before you and your brother go away to camp, hurry up your brothers down stairs." She walks out. Your brother? What brother? You walked out of the room and down the stairs to find a boy just a year older than you sat tying his shoe laces. "Y/n come on get your shoes on, look, Thomas is all ready with his shoes on and everything."

Thomas? You looked at the boy. Thomas, the boy with the lab coat? That's your brother? You couldn't believe it, you didn't believe it.


You were woken up by a loud noise coming from outside your room. People running around, dropping things, picking things up, shouting. The. You heard the four words that made your heart jump.

"Newt stay with me"

You ran out of your room right into where Newt was to find Clint, Jeff, Gally, Alby and Minho surrounding Newt. Minho notices you.

"Oh shuck, Gally get y/n out of here, quick go" Gally let go of Newt and started coming towards you. He nudged you to leave but you won't go so he picks you up and carried you out.

"Wait no, put me down, what happened to him, I need to go make sure he is okay, put me down." Gally sets you down outside on one of the benches, you try to run back to the homestead but he grabs your top and pulls you back.

"Nope come back, look they have all got this and you going in there like a headless chicken cause your boyfriend is all injured isn't going to help them any bit okay" you looked at him, you didn't like the way he was speaking to you but you couldn't say anything about it.

"He's not my boyfriend"

It was quite for so long, Gally kept trying to make conversation but you just weren't answering him. You didn't know anything that was happening until you heard Jeff scream.


With that you jumped off the bench and began to run towards homestead. This time instead of grabbing you Gally ran in front of you and pushed you full force to the ground. You got back up and continued to try and ran past him but it was the same result every time.

"Gally let me past, now!" He still refused, he pushed you to the ground one last time this time sorer than the last time, when all of a sudden you hear something. The siren. A new greenie. Now really. You couldn't believe they would be that self Centred. That the creaters expect yous to care for a new greenie when Newts barely alive.

Gally dragged you towards the box because he couldn't trust that you would be okay on your own. You opened the box doors and saw that her again it was another boy.

"Well, are you not gonna go down and help him?" You asked Gally.

"No, you are" he pushed you into the box making you bang your head.

"Are you ok?" Asked the greenie.

"Yeah I'm fine he's just a stupid dumb shank, my names Y/n greenie. Don't introduce yourself cause you don't know your name. Don't worry it'll come back tomorrow. This is the glade we have a maze that stops us from getting out" you helped the greenie out of the box and you got out. You could hear screaming, you looked at Gally but he gave you a look that told you to stay put. "You didn't come at a good time greenie, one of our own is really badly injured so you won't get to meet everyone properly and you might not get a good sleep later if the screaming keeps going on" the greenie looked so confused at everything you were saying to him.

"Everything you know or well don't know I guess, is a lie and there is no way we are getting out of this hell hole Alive got it greenie" you began to shout at the greenie till he was on the brink of crying. Gally intervened and began to talk the greenie down to being calm again. You took this as a good time to run back into homestead and that is exactly what you done.

The cure (Newt x the reader) | DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now