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"This place is nice," I say, looking around the cafe.

The cafe Ethan's chosen for our date is a small nook in the wall, just a few blocks away from my apartment. Although it doesn't look like much from the outside, inside it's warm and cozy, and apparently the food is great.

"I'm glad you like it," He smiles, "I wasn't sure if I should take you to somewhere fancier."

"No, this is nice," I say, my eyes scanning over the menu.

It's at that moment that Ethan's phone rings. He gets it out of his pocket, checking the caller ID and lets out a small sigh.

"I'm really sorry, I have to take this," He says apologetically, "It's work stuff."

"It's fine," I say, and he stands up, already chatting to someone on the phone.

I watch him through the glass. He seems to be arguing with somebody, since his brow is furrowed and he keeps making hand gestures.

"I was wondering when I'd have a chance to talk to you, Ky."

I look over at the waiter standing by the side of me. He looks familiar, although I don't recognise him at first. Suddenly it clicks.

"Ash?" I ask and he grins at me.

"So you do remember," He says excitedly.

"How could I forget?" I say, feeling embarrassed, "Did the stain come out?"

"After a few washes," He winks, "So, who are you here with?"

"My date," I say.

"And here I was hoping you were single." He says.

My ears turn pink and I shake my head.

"Here," He says, picking up his pen and scribbling on the clipboard he's holding.
He tears off a piece of paper and hands it to me. I glance at it, and see his number scrawled across it in large, messy handwriting, "I'll give you this anyway. In case you need me for anything."

I pocket the number, smiling up at him.

"Is it time to order already?"

I look up to see Ethan has reappeared, still holding his phone and looking stressed. He slips into the seat opposite to mine.

However, he freezes when he sees Ash.

I glance over at Ash, whose expression has become stormy, and back at Ethan.

"Do you two know each other?" I ask worriedly.

"I guess you could say that," Ethan says, his eyes narrowed at Ash, "Come on, Ky. We'll eat somewhere else."

He stands up, and I hesitantly stand up as well, glancing between the two men uncertainly. I don't know what's going on, but the tense atmosphere is unmistakable.

Ethan stalks out of the cafe and I hurry after him, glancing back at Ash. He's still glaring at the back of Ethan's head.

"Be careful, Ky," He calls after me.

I follow Ethan out through the glass door, jogging to keep pace with him.

"What was that about?" I ask.

At first I don't get a reply.

Eventually, Ethan sighs, "It was nothing, okay."

"It didn't seem like nothing."

"Just drop it." Ethan snaps.

I nod, falling a pace behind and watching him silently as he storms down the road. Eventually, he pace slows and he stops so I almost bump into him.

"I'm sorry, this has been a rubbish first date," He sighs, "Let me take you somewhere to make up for it."

I nod silently, wondering where we're going. It soon becomes obvious as we stop by a crepe stand, and the delicious scents waft over to me. It's only then I realise how hungry I am as my stomach rumbles loudly.

"Wait here, I'll get you something," Ethan says.

Soon he returns, handing a crepe to me. I take small bites as I watch him out of the corner of my eye. He still looks tense, but at least he doesn't seem furious now.

We walk in silence for a while, our shoulders occasionally brushing against each other. Eventually, Ethan breaks the silence.

"I should've answered your question. I do know him, from a long time ago. I just didn't expect to see him here."

I nod, deciding not to ask anymore questions after the way he snapped at me last time.

He exhales, "This isn't the way I wanted our first date to go. I wanted to tell you how much I like you, and how much you mean to me although we barely know each other. But I care about you Ky, a lot."

"I...like you too."

He smiles and leans down, kissing me briefly on the lips, but the kiss ends too soon. I can still tell he's upset. I wonder what happened between him and Ash for things to end up this way.

I think about the number in my pocket, and suddenly it feels like I'm carrying around a weight. I could always go behind his back and ask Ash, but I want to get the truth from Ethan first. I'll just have to wait until he's ready to tell me, although my impatient side wants answers already.

We turn the corner, and soon we're on a familiar road.

"My apartment's just around here," I say, "You can always come back with me, if you want."

Ethan looks over at me, his expression softening. "I'd love too, but there's something I have to take care of first."

He leans over, catching my chin between his fingers and get running his thumb over my lips.

"I'll make it up to you, I promise." He says. "I'll take you on another date soon."

I watch as he walks off.

"Wait-" I call but he just waves and as he turns a corner, he disappears from sight.

Once he's gone, I sigh. I wonder what he's not telling me.

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