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I stare at the nightclub entrance with dread. A whole week since I've last been here. Now I've called in all my sick days and I have to go in, so I have to face Ethan again.

In the meantime, I've been staying at my apartment. I haven't spoken to Ethan since the recent events. I haven't seen Ash either, just wanting some space.

The only person who knows what's going on is Josh, and I haven't told him everything, leaving out the part where Ethan hit me.

The idea of working there again and being so close to him scares me, but I can't quit yet. That is, if he hasn't fired me.

Once inside, I walk over to the bar. A bartender I've never seen before is there, polishing glasses. That's strange. Come to think of it Josh isn't here either and I wonder where he is.

The new bartender winks when he sees me looking at him, "You want a drink?"

"Sure." I smile at him.

He mixes together a cocktail and slides it towards me, "On the house."

I down it in quickly and wince as it burns my throat.

He chuckles, "You must've needed that."

'You have no idea' I think but I smile at him again, "How about another?"

By the time clients are arriving, I feel unsteady and my thoughts are cloudy. The bartender hands me a menu and I stumble over to the clients.

Throughout the night, the bartender keeps pushing shots and cocktails over to me. I just want to forget about everything that's happened for a while.

Soon, it gets to the point where I can't see straight and I stagger over to a table where a balding middle-aged man is sitting.

My hands slip and I drop the tray and drinks splash over him.

"You little shit!" He yells.

"I'm so sorry, sir," I say, "Is there anything I can do-"

"No, there isn't!" He yells, "Do you know how expensive this shirt is?"

I cower as he stands up. He raises his fist, and I screw my eyes shut, waiting for a punch that never comes.

I slowly open my eyes and Ash is standing by the man's side, gripping his elbow so he can't hit me.

"What do you think you're doing?" The man growls at him, yanking his arm away.

"Come on, Ky, we're going," Ash says, winding his arm around my shoulder and guiding me away from the angry customer.

"You saved me," I say.

"How drunk are you?" Ash asks, sounding concerned.

He leads me over to a barstool and sits me down.

"Why are you here?" I ask. "If Ethan finds out..."

He shakes his head, "He won't find out. I wanted to see you. How are you holding up?"

I don't say anything. I'm too busy staring at his lips and the alcohol is clouding my judgement.

"Close your eyes," I say.

"Why?" He asks but does it anyway.

I lean forward, and press my lips to his. I wind my fingers into his blond hair and he kisses me back. I like the way his lips feel on mine, they're warmer than Ethan's and when he kisses me I can tell he means it.

"Let's get out of here," I whisper in his ear and then I grab his hand and pull him through the crowd.

Once we are outside, I pull him round the side of the club. I know there's a secluded spot where couples sometimes go, although I've never used it myself.

When we're out of sight, he pushes me against the wall and begins kissing me again. I hurriedly start to undo the buttons of the shirt he's wearing.

But as he reaches into my pants, I stop. A sudden pang of guilt shoots through my chest as I think about Ethan. I know he's an asshole, but I can't leave things the way they are. I have to talk to him.

"I'm sorry, Ash," I say as I push him off me.

"Wait, where are you going?" He yells after me as I sprint away from him.

I ignore him and run into the back entrance of the club. I shield my eyes from the bright lights and stagger towards Ethan's office. The loud music is disorienting, and I bump into a few people.

Maybe this isn't the best idea, but I'm too drunk to realise.

I throw open the door to his office but it's empty.

He must be at his apartment.

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