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I hurry towards Ethan's apartment and I soon reach it.

I take the stairs and I finally reach the front door. I know I shouldn't be here, especially because of what happened last time. But even though I shouldn't, I still want to talk to him. Or maybe it's the alcohol making me feel like that.

I hear voices coming from inside, but that doesn't stop me as I knock on the door.

The terror I experienced earlier is gone, replaced by a strange confidence. Liquid courage.

The voices stop for a minute, and then I hear footsteps. Soon, the door swings open. I expect it to be Ethan, but instead it's Alex. When he sees me, he grins. It's not a friendly grin, but more like when a predator pulls back its gums, showing its sharp teeth to its prey.

I want to rethink this, but it's too late.

"So you did come back," Alex says, not sounding too surprised. "Come in, Ethan will want to see you."

The voices are coming from the living room and I walk towards them, keeping a safe distance away from Alex.

I see Ethan sitting on the sofa, with several of his friends. I recognise some of the patrons, Paul the bartender, and to my surprise I see Josh also sitting there. One of the patrons has his arm around his waist, and I wonder when that happened, feeling strangely betrayed. It seems I don't know everything about my best friend either.

Josh's eyes widen when he sees me and he shakes his head, as if warning me about something. But I ignore him. I'm only focused on one person.

"Ky?" Ethan asks, sounding first shocked, then angry, "What do you want?"

"I needed to talk to you," I say, "I can't leave things as they are-"

Ethan frowns, "Are you drunk?"

I don't answer and he sighs, "Sit down. I'll get you some water."

I just hover anxiously, not wanting to sit down. Soon Ethan returns with the drink and passes it to me. I down it quickly, and wipe my mouth. Some of the men exchange glances.

"So what is it you wanted to say?"
Ethan asks.

I open my mouth to reply, and that's when the room starts spinning. I brace myself against a wall, my legs feeling like jelly. All my limbs feel heavy and I can barely stand up so I collapse onto the floor.

"W-What's going on?" I ask hoarsely.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Josh try to stand up to help, but he's forced back down by the patron who has his arm around his waist.

Ethan crouches down in front of me, his eyes narrowed.

"You think you can just come running back here, after what you did with Ash?" He hisses.

"What do you mean?" I ask, a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"You know what you did. I had that bartender keep tabs on you. He saw you leave with Ash." He says.

"It wasn't like that," I say, "It didn't go far-"

"It's too late," Ethan says. "I'll teach you a lesson for messing me around like that."

By now, I can barely move my body and my head is spinning. It's all I can do to stay conscious.

"Please, Ethan," I say, "Stop."

He stares at me, then he raises his foot and kicks me in the ribs. I groan in pain and roll over, gasping for breath that doesn't come. He uses that to climb on top of me and pins my hands above my head. I struggle weakly underneath him, and I can hear a few of his friends laughing.

A slap cracks across my cheek and then another and another. I can taste blood in the back of my throat, but I can't fight back. I'm helpless.

So just have to take it as blows rain down on me. Soon, the pain becomes too much. I go limp, hoping he'll stop but he doesn't. Soon, my consciousness is fading. Just before I pass out, he grins at me, and I whimper and then everything goes dark.

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