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Hello to new readers, in the original book Thomas is an omega but I am currently rewriting my story to make him an alpha so if you start to see Thomas as an omega just know that he's supposed to be an alpha and I also have taken down certain chapters that are going to be completely rewritten

Love you all❤️❤️❤️❤️

Tom obsidian eyes darted across complex medical reports
'Why in the seven rings of hell is this so hard'
He asked himself as he rubbed the bridge of his nose trying to soothe the tension headache he was currently fighting off.
Yes, he used to care a lot more for the people boarded at this hospital, but he still needed to care for himself.

Flipping his pen he set the papers down and let out along sigh

"Tom are you ok?"
He looked up to see a lovely older woman with skin black as night and gentle eyes peering over him

He gave a weak nod picking the paper back up
"Just a little stressed is all"
He said highlighting small peaces of information that pertained to his patients medical condition.

"You know"
She paused
"I used to do what your doing"
She pulled a Scooty chair up next to him with a soft smile.

"Is that so?"
He asked serching for a missing medical record, not really interested in what she had to say.

"Ignoreing my more natural side and refusing to find a mate...mates"
Dropping his eyes for a second before he  went back to the paper
"We have had this conversation many times before, I'm perfectly happy being single"

She shighed shaking her head
"One day your gonna need an omega to keep your house clean and feed you!"
She said it like she ment it,
Like saying that he had to take a test back in grade school or something.
Like he couldn't take care of himself just because he was an alpha and he needed an omega to do that.

"I don't need, or want a partner right now"

Not batting an eye she kept pressuring the whole relationships topic.

"One day your instincts will take over and-" finally looking her in the eyes filled with a smoldering anger, Tom burst a bit at the seams.

"Well they haven't and they won't, I'm in control and you'll never cacth me acting on instinct unless I'm dead. Now drop the subject, please"

Her face spilled over worry as she
"What are you going to do this season??"
She had a whole new tone.
Caring and made him feel some form of guilt for his former tone, not a lot of guilt but guilt none the less. Mostly because she was his boss for the majority of his residency.

"I don't really know, but why does that matter?"

Her constant questions began to push every button he had and turn those smoldering coles to a small flame.

"You should stay at my place, it's just me and my daughter.
I have a heat room if you want to borrow it until the ruts over, you know to protect any helpless omegas that may cross your path"
she winked making him feel a little sick, her daughter is only like 19 years old.

How do people do this kind of stuff?
Especially to their own children.

He groaned, not wanting to, he begrudgingly accepted her stupid offer purely just because he didn't want to lose his job for being rude, Wich he really wanted to do.

He didn't want anything to do with her or her daughter, honestly he was just probably going for a dinner with them come up with some lame excuse for why he had to leave.

Good relationship with the boss might lead to a raise, though the means of acquiring said raise made him a bit uncomfortable.

If she was as good of a mother as she cooked he would come by far more often.

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