Chapter 16: The Moon

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SO SO SO SO SO SO Sorry for the late update.  I had a pretty big day.  Hope y'all are staying safe. Also, the VERY FIRST medicine cat quarter moon meeting. Now.  Please vote.  In two days, you will no longer be able to make guesses on my favorite cat, and you won't be able to name one of the kits. Let's review


-From RiverClan

-Knew people in ThunderClan

-Not Dawnpelt

-Littermate who was murdered.  Okay! Keep the guesses coming. Also, VOTE VOTE VOTE

Jayfeather padded out of his den to an anxious Sandstorm. "Will Lightheart be okay? Do you know what happened?" Sandstorm's eyes were clouded with fear.  This fear was not for her own safety, but for her daughter's.

"I believe I do, Sandstorm.  She was too excited for her ceremony, and it sent her body into shock.  She will live, but I'm not sure what side effects the experience could have." Sandstorm gave Jayfeather a nod, and walked away, almost in a daze.  Jayfeather couldn't blame her.  If he had kits with Briarlight, he wouldn't want anyone or anything to hurt them.

Briarlight was right.  Becoming mates with her has made me more compassionate towards the difficulties that my Clanmates face.  I'm even starting to sound more like her!  Jayfeather purred.  Becoming more like the brown she-cat is the best thing a cat could wish for.  He glanced over at the still Lightheart, his worries creeping back in.


Jayfeather poked his head out of the medicine den. "Briarlight? Can you watch over Lightheart? I have to go meet the other medicine cats at Moonpool." Briarlight padded over and gave Jayfeather a seemingly gentle smile. She licked his ear affectionately. "Of course I will."

Jayfeather purred and exited the den, making a beeline for the enterance of camp. Hopefully WindClan won't try and stop me from me from meeting with the others.  Don't I have enough problems already?  As he started the walk, his mind began drifting across the lake, to his mate.  Before Jayfeather knew it, he was at the Moonpool. Kestrelflight hissed.  It was obvious the WindClan tom was not excited to see him. "Traitor!" A growl rumbled in Jayfeather's throat, but he managed to contain it. "Glad to see you too, Kestrelflight."

Mothwing on the other paw, rushed up to greet him. "Jayfeather! Congratulations on your mate! I heard about Lightheart.  Have you considered dipping her in the lake? It might be cold enough to wake her up." Jayfeather thought that it could work, but Sandstorm would never agreee to it. "Thanks, Mothwing. I'll consider it." Unlike her mentor, Willowshine was wary of the tom, choosing to hang back while Mothwing greeted Jayfeather. "Where's Puddleshine?" Jayfeather sounded annoyed. "I don't know.  She'll catch up with us later."  

Jayfeather bent his head, dipping his nose into the glowing liquid. Looking around, he saw vibrant hills, with cats milling around.  A white she-cat approached him. "Hello, Jayfeather.  I'm glad that you have found someone to cheer you up.  Briarlight will make you happy, and that's all I want for you." Confused, Jayfeather stumbled back.  "Half-Moon?"

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