Chapter 21: The Rogue- Extended Chapter

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      The shadow danced through the tree tops, barely skimming the top. The sun was setting behind the lake, causing glimmers of sun to ripple through the lake, and casting darkness over the forest.  The shadow coiled up, continuing with a giant leap to the spongy ground.  With a sigh, it bounded of to it's home on the outskirt of the territory.

     Sandstorm inhaled deeply.  The scent of dawn filled her nose, the mist gently settling on her fur. She purred.  Dawn patrols were her favorite, when the scents of the night still lingered in the air. Sniffing again, Sandstorm scented something else. The scent was faint, seemingly coming from above, through the dappled leaves of the oak trees.  It was a familiar scent, but different all the same.

     "Boltstrike? Do you smell that? It seems like a rogue paid a visit last night." Boltstrike sniffed the air, scenting for traces of the strange cat.  
"Yes.  Whoever it was mustn't have realized that this was clan territory." Sandstorm nodded, and her daughter continued.
"If she comes back, we'll track her.  See where she lives.  The rogue has to learn that she can't trespass on clan territory."

      The camp was silent, the comfort of night embracing them, letting them conserve their energy for the morning. Moonlight streamed into the clearing, illuminating the lithe figure of a dark ginger cat. Her eyes blinked open, revealing sparkling amber iris' that glinted in the shadows. Silently, she slipped back into the trees knowing this was the last time she'd do so.

     The day dawned bright and clear, the air still crisp from the dew. Ashpelt gently emerged from his nest, ready to do the dawn patrol. With a yawn, he padded over to Firestar, who was sharing tongues with his mate. He acknowledged Aspelt's presence with a quick nod. "Ashpelt? Sandstorm was mentioning that her patrol scented a rogue yesterday.  We should be on the look-out."  With a mew of agreement,  the patrol soon left.  Little did they now that the rogue was going to go to them.

     All the cats had returned from patrol for fresh-kill at sundown.  The orange sun cast long shadows on the forest cats, disguising the one who would soon join them.  The shadow leaped out from the tree into the center of the clearing, seeming as if she was from the sky. The dark ginger spots on her pelt reflected the drowning sun. Her ribs could be seen, the only disruption in her otherwise sleek pelt. "Hello.  My name is Cherry.  I wish to join ThunderClan.  I have seen how you train your apprentices, and I too have trained myself in such a way."

The cats stared in amusement at the bold she-cat.  Firestar was the first to speak up. "Welcome to ThunderClan, Cherry.  We respect rogues and loners, but you would understand if our trust in them is anything but firm.  You may stay here in ThunderClan for a moon.  During that time, we will test your skills, and you can get a taste of clan life and earn our trust.  At that time, we will re-evaluate.  Do you accept my proposal?"

Cherry gave a small smile. "Yes, Firestar." Lightheart exchanged a glance with Ashpelt. How does she know Firestar's name?  He never told her!  "Cherry, you will be watched and assessed under the careful eye of Bumblestripe. He will be like your mentor, and will help you learn the ways of the clan."

Once the group dispersed, Bumblestripe took Cherry into the darkening forest to check her night hunting.  "Okay, so Che-" He stopped mid-sentence.  Cherry was already in a perfect hunter's crouch, and she was downwind!  "Never mind then.  The next thi-" Now, she was stalking a mouse, placing her feet so gently that they might as well have been gone. With a spring of her powerful hind legs, she silently leaped onto the mouse, killing it in a swift motion. Cherry mumbled a few words under her breath. Bumblestripe  had a smug look on his face. Finally! Something she doesn't know about clan life! She forgot to thank StarClan!

"Once you kill prey, you must give thanks to StarClan." Cherry stared at him blankly.
"What did you think I mumbled? I already gave my thanks."  Bumblestripe's cheeks warmed up. "I think we're done for today, Cherry." The trees rustled in the wind, casting moonlight down on Cherry.  "Whatever you say, Bumblestripe."

Firestar paced nervously.  What was he to do with this cat that knew all their ways.  A cat who had a perfect hunter's crouch.  She would make a fine warrior, but what if she betrayed them, just like Tigerstar did to Bluestar? He settled down in his nest, urging his restless thoughts to settle down.  I will trust her, just as Bluestar trusted me.  


"All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather under the Highrock for a clan meeting."  The clan was soon surrounding Firestar.  Memories of Lightheart's ceremony flooded back, fresh in Firestar's mind.  Hopefully, it would not happen again.  

"I, Firestar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this rogue. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in their turn.  Cherry, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Firestar glanced at his clan. He would look like a fool if Cherry refused, and they would be down a great warrior. Lightheart gave Cherry a reassuring glance.
"I do."
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Cherry, from this moment you will be known as Cherryblossom. StarClan honors your wits and honesty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan."  The clan was silent for a moment, broken by the sound of Lightheart chanting Cherryblossom's name.  Other cats picked up the chant, the sound ringing throughout camp.  Cherryblossom belonged here, just as much as any other cat.

So, I wanted a break from Jayfeather and Briarlight.  Anyway, I ship Lightheart and Cherryblossom.  I feel like it's perfect.  Don't worry, Briarlight's kits will be coming soon.  This is the longest chapter by a lot. 1K words. WOW! Do you guys want less updates, but have them longer like this? Or more updates but similar to the previous ones? Anyway, BYE!

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