Chapter 29: Mistpaw, Moonpaw and Amberpaw

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So, just a heads up, my other book has to be on pause for now, because it requires other human beings to participate. So, yeah. Anyway, today, we're going to focuse on Moonpaw, and her training experience. Sorry for not updating yesterday. Here's what to do on my story, if you want:

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Let's jump right into it!

Moonpaw dropped into her hunters crouch, tail waving wildly. Dustpelt noted her footsteps, being placed down as if she was squishing a badger. The mentor sighed. Could he ever be able to see Moonpaw a warrior? Moonpaw glanced up, hope in her eyes. "Did I do well? I was practicing all day!" Dustpelt gave a stiff nod, not wanting to let the young cat's hopes down. "Just make sure your tail is flat, and your feet are laid down gently, like this."

 The nimble tom crouched, tail flat behind him, feet quietly touching the earth. He scented mouse, and started stalking it. "Wow! That looks awesome!" Moonpaw mew rang in the trees, startling every piece of prey away. "Fox-dung! Moonpaw, let's see if we can catch any prey that wasn't scared off." The apprentice ducked her head in embarrassment. "Sorry, Dustpelt."

"Mistpaw! Your battle moves are looking amazing! I don't see what else I could teach you." Mistpaw gave a sly smile towards her mentor. "Well, I have the best mentor." Sorreltail looked puzzled, but shrugged it away. "Aw, thanks." Little did Sorreltail know that Mistpaw had the best mentor of them all. One from StarClan. And, Mistpaw would see him again tonight. 

The apprentice headed back to camp, grabbed a piece of prey and lay next to Amberpaw. "Mistpaw! Today I learned all about marigold.  Did you know that it's used to prevent infection on really nasty and bloody cuts and scrapes!" Mistpaw wrinkled her nose at the description, losing her appetite. "Erm... that's great, Amberpaw. I'm going to sleep now." Mistpaw padded over to her den, and curled up quickly. She shifted, trying to fall asleep faster, waiting for the forests of StarClan to appear.

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