2) Lost

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- The Future -
Marinette's POV

What- the last thing I remembered was facing Tok, and as I slowly came to, I took in my surroundings. How did I get into a room?

Wait... who's room?

Where was I and what was I doing here?

I was most definitely lying on a bed, and it was only then I noticed the arm wrapped around my waist.

Okay, Marinette, stay calm. You are lying in a bed with a strange man, a very pretty looking man, after passing out. No big deal. No big-

I let out a startled squeal as the man bolted up.

"Mari? What's wrong? Are you okay?! Is Hugo o-"

"W-who are you?" I finally managed to stutter. I couldn't see the man very well in the dark room, but as he turned on a lamp I noticed that he seemed... familiar.

"What're you talking about, Marinette? Are you sure you're okay?"

"How did I get here? And who are you?" I asked again, this time letting confidence fill my words. My voice was firm as I looked over the man who at this point, seemed more scared than me.

"Well, you got here by buying this house and driving home from work." He plainly stated, unsure how to answer,

"And I'm your charming and handsome husband aka love of your life. Mari, what's going on?"

I groaned as I felt a sharp pain in my head, quickly resting it in my hands.


"T-Tikki!" I smiled at the little red creature who had floated towards us, happy to see a familiar face.

"What's going on Tikki?" The man asked.

"I'm not sure. But something is wrong, very wrong. Marinette, what do you remember?"

"U-um... does he..." I looked between the guy and my kwami, unsure if I should spill out my secret. Although, it seemed like he already knew.

Confirming my suspicions, she nodded.

"Well, Chat and I were fighting Tok, and then I got hit. I blacked out and the next thing I knew I was here."


"A time akuma. He had the ability to- oh no." I groaned at the sudden realization. "What year is it?"

The man quickly answered as I sat there, petrified.

"It's been eight years. I'm eight years into the future." I softly announced, my voice like a whisper.

The guy looked at me, just as startled.

"If you're here, them where's my wife?"

"I'm sure she's-"

"No, Tikki. Where is she?" His voice slightly raised, anger and confusion rushing in all at once.

"I don't know! I have no idea where our Marinette is. My best guess, she's stuck in the past. 8 years ago. But it's not that simple-"

"So they switched places? Then why don't we take mini-Mari back with Fluff and pick up my-"

"I told you, it's not that easy," I watched in absolute confusion over the exchange. Both parties appeared to be scared, though there was no way their fear could match mine.

"It's an akuma," Tikki continued, "regular rules don't apply. We have to play their game, and I don't think Hawkmoth would leave a loophole so big as walking back and fixing everything. They're trapped, and they will be until Tok is defeated. Do you understand?"

The man finally began to calm down, taking in some deep breaths before facing me.

"I'm so sorry, Mari. But we'll fix this. We always do. It doesn't matter which version of you it is, we're partners, m'lady." He smiled, a familiar grin on his face as the pieces finally began to fit together.

Oh no. Don't tell me I married-


He shrugged before replying.

"The one and only, bugaboo."

- The Past -
Marinette's POV

Something was wrong. Very wrong.

I woke up in the middle of the night in a familiar room, but it wasn't a room I had slept in for almost five years.

"Adrien?" I called out into the empty room, hoping he was hiding or nearby... or something.

"Marinette? What's wrong?" A soft voice replied to the call.

"Tikki, why am I at my parents house?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean," I let my hand instinctively fall towards my stomach as I let out a gasp. "No, no, no, no, no." I muttered, feeling again at the flat surface.

"Marinette, you're scaring-"

"My baby!"


"Tikki? What happened? Why am I here and where's my husband and child?"

"Tok." She finally answered, understanding filling her voice. "You aren't supposed to be here, are you?"

I shook my head as I turned on a light, hopping down into my bathroom. There was no doubt about it as I looked in the mirror, I was a teenager.


"Who's Tok?" I finally asked, startled, as Tikki followed me.

"An akuma. You were hit protecting Chat, and you passed out. You were about to detransform, so Plagg told him that us kwamis would take care of the situation. We were able to get you to a different location when Chat 'coincidentally' found your civilian self and brought you home. He and your parents thought it was heat exhaustion."

I nodded, still trying to grasp the situation.

"And Tok?"

"He got away. Who knows what time period he travelled to? The moment Chat saw you go down, he got really protective and scared the akuma off."

"So where's your Marinette? My younger self?"

"Probably with your husband in your time. I don't know if we can do anything, though, until the akuma's been captured."

"Then let's get him."

"It's not that easy, Marinette, he could be anywhere. Literally anywhere. Any decade, century, you name it! It's going to take time to trap him down..."

"Well luckily, time's all we have. Let's find this bastard and get back home."

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