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Samuel was about to do something he'd never thought he'd do: call Lu. It's not that they aren't friends, after everything they've been through it's impossible for them not to be. But he never called her and neither did she. They talked whenever they meet with the whole group or when Carla has her on speaker mode during one of their calls.

Either way, he needed to call her. He was on the verge of a panic attack (also very unlike him) and he needed her help.

He took a deep breath, while closing his eyes, then mentally counted to five and let it out. When he opened his eyes again, he took his phone and called her, before he could talk himself out of it.

"Is everything okay? Where's Carla?" Lu asked as she answered the call, just as surprised as he is from the call.

He sighed, a small smile appearing on his face at her worriedness for him and his girlfriend. "She's fine," he assured her.

"Are you?" Lu questionned his tone of voice.

He rolled his eyes. Even though she wasn't that close with her, Lu still knew him better then most people. "I need your help," he told her honestly. "Could we meet somewhere?"

The worriedness in Lu's voice only intensified at that. "I'll be over at yours in 10," she told him.

He nodded, even if she couldn't see him. "Thanks, Lu," he said, genuinely grateful at her readiness to help him out without even knowing what it was about.

By the time Lu got there, Samuel was already pacing nervously near the door. "You needed my help?" She asked as he opened the door for him.

Samuel let her in and asked her if she wanted something to eat or drink. He got a pointed look in return, as Lu pointed out he was just postponing the unevitable. "You asked me here for a reason, so just spit it out, cause I'm not leaving until we've worked this out."

Finally, he explained the situation and got a confused look in return. "What if she doesn't like it?" He asked. "What if it isn't good enough?" He continued. "She's used to so much better and she deserves the best." He started pacing again as more and more of his insecurities bubbled to the surface.

Lu stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. "Samuel, stop," she told him. "Carla loves you. She'll love it," she assured him. "Beside, our Marquesita isn't materialistic and if she wants or needs something she'll just buy it herself."

He shook his head. "But this is different," he argued. "It's special and it isn't something she can or should buy herself."

"The one you have is perfect," Lu argued back. "It's exactly her style and coming from you, it'll be perfect." She smiled as she saw Samuel relax a little. "One slight adjustement to your plans though: wine instead of beer." She took her phone out of her purse and started typing away. "I'm texting Valerio to bring you a bottle of their newest wine. She's so proud of it, it'll make your evening perfect," Lu told him without a shadow of a doubt.

"Thank you, Lu," Samuel said genuinely as he felt so much more confident after their talk.

"No problem," the brunette told him. "Just tell her to call me first thing tomorrow morning, so she can tell me all about it."

Samuel chuckled. "I'm not sure I'll have to tell her," he responded. "Seriously, though, thank you."

"Stop mentionning it," Lu said, only half serious. Then she looked at him pointedly. "If you ever hurt my best friend, though, you're dead."

The two of them hugged, before Lu left the apartment so Samuel could start preparing for his evening with Carla.

About an hour and a half later, he was done setting up. He was also dressed in an outfit that was a little classier then what he usually wore. Everything was ready for when Carla would get home.

He looked at his watch and noticed he still had half an hour. He bit his lip, he still had time, which meant he had time to overthink.

As if reading his mind, Lu sent him a text: Stop overthinking. Everything will be perfect.

He was about to argue when another text: Don't tell me you weren't. You're too predictable sometimes.

He shook his head smiling and texted her back that everything was ready. He also sent her another text thanking her once more.

By the time their conversation ended, Carla walked in the door. As soon as the door was closed she stopped in her tracks looking around until her eyes landed on him.

"You look nice," she told him. "Are we going somewhere?"

He shook her head, walking over to her. Like the gentleman he was, he helped her out of her coat, before giving her a quick kiss.

"No," he finally answered her. "But I do have something special planned."

She gave him a loving smile and leaned in for another quick kiss. "Should I change?" She asked him.

"No," he responded once again. "You look absolutely amazing," he told her honestly.

She rolled her eyes at him. "You always say that," she commented.

He shrugged. "It's always true, though."

"Even when I have tomato sauce dribbling down my chin?" She asked, reminding both of them of the first time they ate macaroni together.

He grinned widely. "Especially then, Princess," he said, referring to the same night. "Speaking of which, I made some macaroni that will blow your mind."

She hummed at him. "Confident, are we?" She teased.

Before eating, Samuel brought out the wine bottle that Valerio brought over. Carla smiled surprised. "You know, I don't think I've ever seen you drink wine," she told him.

He shrugged, but smiled at her. "It's yours and just for that reason I already love it."

Gratefully, she smiled and leaned in to kiss him. Then she took the bottle from his hands to open it up and serve two glasses. "I feel like I'm missing something," Carla said, making him very confused. "It's not Valentine's day, our anniversary or either of our birthday," she stated, "so what's the special occasion?"

Samuel smirked a bit and shrugged. "I love you," he said, as if that'd answer all of her questions.

"I love you too," she said, then passed him a glass. "Let me know how you like it?"

He guided her to the couch where they sat down side by side with his macaroni and her wine. He took a sip and smile. "It's perfect," he told her. "Just like you."

The two of them ate in silence for a while before Samuel broke it. "Do you remember that time you came here so angry and told me you thought we could have a future together?" She nodded. "Do you still believe that?" He asked her.

She smiled reassuringly. "Of course, Samuel. No more lies, no more secrets, no more games. Just you and I, that's all I need."

"Good," he said. "That's all I need too," he told her.

She took another bite of her food. "Well, that and this delicious macaroni. You've really come a long way, babe."

His smile widened. "You deserve the best and that's what I want to give you." His insecurities creeped up again as he took the small present out of his pocket. "I know it's not as amazing or perfect as you deserve," he started, lifting the little box towards her, "but I promise to give you all the love and happiness that I can. I promise to cook you macaroni as often as you'd like," both of them chuckled a bit. "Carla, I'm ready to start my future with you and I'm hoping you are too?" He got down on one knee and opened the box to reveal a small, but gorgeous dimand ring. "Will you marry me?"

This time the blonde couldn't suppress the tears forming in her eyes. "Yes," she said, throwing herself into his arms as she continued to cry.

The next morning, she called her best friend to tell her about her perfect night. Lu smiled on the other end of the phone. "I told him he shouldn't be so insecure."

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