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Lu had organised a party for their last night in town before some of them would leave for college. It might not seem like the best idea after the last party they'd had, but they all needed it. They needed one last good night, before being separated.

Carla had hesitated about going. The last party had been a roller coaster of emotions and she wasn't sure she could go through that again, but it would be a good opportunity to say a proper goodbye. Now, as she walked into the party, she regretted that choice.

It shouldn't upset her that much, she scolded herself. Samuel had made it pretty clear they were only friends. She was the problem. Although they'd gotten friendlier recently, Carla just couldn't help but find her annoying. Maybe it's just jealousy, she thought, but soon scoffed at her own thoughts. The young marquise just didn't do a petty emotion such as jealousy. She did do annoyance though and she did it very well.

It shouldn't surprise a soul that Carla just threw an annoyed look his way, as Samuel came to greet her. He was unphased and told her how beautiful he thought she looked. She rolled her eyes, but relaxed so slightly it was barely noticable.

"Do you want me to get you something to drink?" He asked her.

"Just because you're a waiter, doesn't mean you have to serve everyone at a friend's party," She scolded him, tone neutral and even slightly bored.

He raised an eyebrow and smiled at her gently. "I'm not offering anyone else to get them a drink, Carla. I just thought you might like one."

A small smile appeared on her face, but as soon as she caught herself it faded back to the annoyed look. "What makes you think I need the alcohol?" She challenged him.

"I never said you needed one," he replied calmly. "And I never said anything about alcohol. I could very well just get you some soda or even water."

She nodded. "You're right, I shouldn't make assumptions. But I'm very capable of getting my own drinks."

"That doesn't mean it isn't nice to get it offered to you every once in a while," Samuel argued. He then sighed. "I'm sorry if I offended you, Carla. I just wanted to do something nice for you and I was hoping we could talk before you go."

"Wouldn't your girlfriend miss you too much then?" She questionned.

He rolled his eyes playfully. "You and I both know that Rebeka isn't my girlfriend. Besides, I'd rather spend one night with you then a whole year with her."

"She was right, you know?" Carla sighed, turning her back to him to get herself a drink.

"Right about what?" Samuel asked curiously.

"She told me that you would do anything for me," Carla didn't turn back to him.

He gently took her hand in his, not forcing her to turn around. "You and I both know that isn't true. Otherwise we wouldn't have been in this whole mess in the first place." He paused for a second. "It's true that I would do a lot for you, but you don't have to be afraid. I know where to draw the line."

She turned around, but looked down at her feet. "Samuel, you beat up your brother for me."

"No," He argued, "I beat him up because he deserved it. It was bound to happen eventually."

"I'm not good for you. Look at what happened to-" She started but he cut her off.

"Polo?" He asked her. "That was not your fault. Neither was Christian, by the way. Those were consequences from very unfortunate situations. You did what you thought was right, what you thought you had to do."

He gently placed his hand on her cheek and lifted her head to face her. "You don't have to be scared anymore," he told her. "I just want you to be happy, even if that means leaving me."

Carla sighed and nodded. "You make me happy, Samuel," she finally admitted. "But that doesn't change anything."

He smiled at her. "Of course, it does." He argued. "It means I'll work twice as hard to get a scholarship near you. It means I'll take double the shifts at the restaurant so I can come visit you."

She shook her head. "No," she told him. "I want you to focus on school. We'll call and I'll come home, but I don't want you to overwork yourself."

"I promised to bring you macaroni, didn't I?" Samuel said, but instead of a smile she scowled at him.

"I'll eat them when I come visit," she tried to convince him, but of course it wasn't that easy.

"God, Samuel, you're so annoying!" She said as he argued with her.

"And yet, you love me," he teased.

She rolled her eyes, but pulled him into a kiss. "I'm annoyed with you," she whispered.

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