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It's late at night and Carla is sitting up in bed unable to sleep. "Do you believe in destiny?" She asks, not looking away from the wall in front of her.

"Hmm?" Samuel asked half asleep. He pulled her closer to him, so she'd be more comfortable.

She kissed his forehead at the sweet gesture. "Do you believe in destiny?" She asked him again.

He sat up a little more and opened his eyes looking at her. "I believe we're ment to be together, if that's what you're asking." He told her.

She smiled a little. "Not exactly what I was asking, but it's good to hear." She pecked his lips. "I meant, do you think it was fate that brought us together?"

He was quiet for a moment, thinking about what she'd asked. "I don't know," he frowned. "Do you think we would have met if Guzman's father wasn't involved in the school's collapse?"

"We might have met, but I don't know if we would have gotten this close," Carla admitted. "I hope so. I don't want to imagine a world where we're not together. We've been apart for too long already." She placed her forhead against his.

"It's okay," he assured her. "We're together now," he whispered. The two sat like that for a while, thinking about their conversation.

"What brought this on?" Samuel asked, interrupting the silence.

She shrugged. "We're getting married in three days," she explained.

He pulled his face away from hers and sat up facing her with a frown on his face. He cupped her cheek with one hand. "Are you having second thoughts?" He asked worried.

She leaned into his touch and turned her face to kiss his palm. "No," she said confidently. "I'm excited. I can't wait to be married to the love of my life."

He smiled and leaned in to kiss her. "I can't wait either," he admitted. Then he stood up and walked to his dresser. He opened it and pulled something out, before walking back to the bed and handing it to Carla.

The blonde looked at him and frowned. "What's this?" She asked him surprised.

"Open it," he prompted.

She did as she was told and gasped, inside the box lay a pile of letters. "Are these the letters I sent you when I was abroad?" She asked, looking up into his eyes.

He nodded. "And every single one after that," he explained. "There are also pictures and small momentos of our best moments together."

She gasped, tears filling her eyes. "I can't believe you kept all this," she told him.

He shook his head. "This is just the important stuff," he argued. "The rest is in a bigger box in the closet."

She couldn't stop herself from kissing him. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Carla," he said. "And to answer your earlier question. I don't know if you are my destiny, but you are the love of my life and I'd never want to be seperated from you again."

"Good," she smiled. "I don't want that either."

Carla layed her head down over his heart and the two soon fell asleep dreaming of their future together.

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