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Carla's heart stopped when she heard the news. She couldn't cry, not because she was always able to hide her emotions, but because of the state of shock she was in.

How could this have happened? She kept thinking. The blonde thought back to their recent interactions to see what could have caused this. She thought she'd been so careful. She knew this was her fault though.

And then she remembered. They talked at the red party. She'd been so cold to him. He looked so hurt. But her father's eyes had been on them. Maybe he had been too far to see how she acted towards him? Or maybe he could see right through her façade.

Either way, nothing mathered anymore. She needed to get to the hospital asap. She needed to see him. She needed to make sure he was okay.

It turned out, he wasn't okay. He got off easier then Christian had and would be just fine eventually, but he wasn't okay now. He had multiple broken bones, some even in his face. He also was concussed and had trouble breathing.

Carla was surprised, but also not at all to see her father arrive at the hospital. Furiously, she marched towards him. If he'd gotten hurt despite her efforts to stay away, then what was the point.

"I did what you asked," she said coldly. "And then this happens." She looked disgustedly at him. "If this is how you want to be, then I don't want anything to do with you."

"Carla," he said annoyed. "I didn't do it," he told her.

She rolled her eyes at him. "Like you didn't do it to Christian?"

He sighed, "I've been thinking a lot about this relationship you have with this boy," he admitted. "Although I still don't approve completly. I see a lot of myself in this kid. I started out like him. He also has a lot of ambition and determination."

Carla cut him off. "Do not compare him to you. Samuel is a good man. He's honorable, honnest and so kind. He's a much better man then you could ever be."

He rolled his eyes impatiently. "When your contract with Yeray is done, I'll allow you to date him."

Carla threw him a death glare. "I'm talking to Yeray first thing in the morning to redetermin this contract."

Her father glared back at her. "You will do no such thing," he threatened. He narrowed his eyes. "I'll talk to the doctor. I'll let this boy stay with us until he's recovered, as long as you're holding up your end of the contract."

The blonde shook her head. "I don't want him anywhere near you. I don't even want to be near you. I'll stay at his until he's recovered and I'm talking to Yeray. I'm sorry, papa, I've made up my mind."

Without waiting for a response, she walked towards his room. She told the doctor and nurses not to let her father in.

It was time to tell both Samuel and Yeray the truth. She was scared of how they would react, but both of them were very understanding.

Yeray admitted that he had feelings for someone else and was sorry that the contract were keeping them all from being with the right person. He told her he'd change the contract and make her head off the company.

Samuel understood her and opened his arms for her. She approached him slowly, being careful not to hurt him. As soon as she was in his embrace, she finally burst into tears.

A huge weight had been lifted off of Carla's chest. She knew she still had some people she needed to talk to and ask for forgiveness, but now that she had Samuel and Yeray on her side, she knew she'd be okay.

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