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Samuel smiled as he saw Carla arrive at the school. His smile immediately vanished as she glared at him.

After the night they'd spent two weeks ago, eating macaroni on his couch, things had been close to perfect between them.

Or at least until now. He groaned thinking back to the last time they'd seen each other and everything that happened since that could have upset the blonde. He came up blank.

Ignoring the bad feeling, he approached her. She looked up at him with an annoyed look as she saw him approach.

"What do you want, Samuel?" She asked coldly.

He frowned. "Are you okay?" He asked her.

She rolled her eyes at him. "Really?" She asked him frustrated. "That's all you wanted?" He nodded. She groaned and left.

As he entered the class he looked around and frowned when he didn't see her. The class was about to start and eventhough he was sure she was at school, she wasn't in the class.

She didn't show up until second period. Samuel noticed she didn't look any happier. She looked around the room and rolled her eyes when she noticed the only empty space was next to him.

"Do you want to come over after school?" He asked her. "We could talk? I could make you some dinner?"

"And eat your disgusting food? No thanks!" She said coldly. "Now shut up, I'm trying to listen."

He rolled his eyes. "We're working on partner projects," he pointed out. "The teacher isn't even speaking."

"Let's get to it then, Smartass," she replied.

He smiled. "We finished it this weekend at the apartement," he said, showing her the finished result.

"Great," she mumbled, "no need to talk then."

Suddenly, her face went white, then greenish. Samuel's hand shot up upon seeing it and excused them both. He helped her to the bathroom and held her hair back as she threw up.

"Go away," she groaned between two vomiting spells.

He gently rubbed her back in comfort. "If you think I'm leaving you here like this, you don't know me at all," he told her.

"I hate you," she said, sounding utterly defeated. Slowly standing back up.

He looked at her like a sad, kicked puppy as he handed her a water bottle.

Her face was slowly getting back to a normal color. "Feeling a bit better?" He asked her.

"I feel disgusting and exhausted, but other then that, I'm fine," she told him honestly.

"Come on then," He said, resting his hand on her lower back. "Lets get you home and in bed."

She glared at him again. "I'm not a child, Samuel," she said offended.

He smiled gently at her, knowing she hated looking vulnerable. "I never said you were, but everyone deserves to have someone take care of you when you're sick."

"I'm not sick," she argued.

He raised an eyebrow at her. "Yeah, that wasn't your hair I was holding back because you weren't throwing up," he said sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes unimpressed. "There are other reasons for throwing up then being sick, Samuel," she pointed out.

He frowned at that. What did she mean by that.

She groaned at his confused look. "I guess you didn't learn from your brother and your ex-girlfriend's mistake. It must run in the family," she shot at him.

His eyes widened at her. "You're-?" He couldn't even finish his question.

"Yes," she sais frustratedly. "I'm pregnant."

Carla was surprised, when he pulled her into a kiss. She instantly pulled away. "I just threw up," she said with disgust.

He laughed at her and pulled her into another kiss. "I don't care. As long as it's you I'm kissing, I don't care about anything else."

"You're not going to leave me?" She asked.

Samuel frowned. It was the first time he'd seen Carla insecure and as much as he loved that she was showing some real emotions, he'd prefer them to be positive emotions.

He pulled her into his arms. "Carla," he whispered her name with so much love. "I think you are the love of my life," he admitted, making the first tear roll down her cheek. "This might have started out as a game and a lot of manipulation on both sides, but the more I got to know you, the more I fall in love with you."

She pulled him closer to her as she let her emotions run free. "I love you too," she admitted.

"Good," he said quietly. "Now that that's settled, what do you say we leave this bathroom and go home. I think we have a lot to discuss."

She nodded, pulling him into one last kiss. "Let's go home," she agreed.

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