How they met. Part 1.

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[Optimus prime]

Pacing back and forth waiting for Ratchet to get me. I do hope everything is ok with Icestrom and our sparkling, it was all sudden that she went into labour. 3 cycles later Ratchet come out of the medbay with a grim expression. Looking at him, I see the sorrow in his Optics. Can feel his EM field of Sadness/a little joy/sorrow/grief. he put his right servo on my shoulder and says. "You sparkling is alive. But I fear Icestrom won't make it. Just know when you sparkling bond is broke I will be here for you" with that his puts his servo down, and beckons me to follow him to the medbay.

Once we in I see Icestrom laying on a medberth holding a sparkling, our sparkling. Walk over to them I sit down, and look at Icestrom, with sadness in my optics.

"Oh Optimus don't be sad. This solar-cycle is a joyous one, isn't it Mudzstar" the black and ruby seeker says while looking at the sparkling in their servos. Sighing I put my helm on the side of my bondmate, and hug them. I stay there for who knows how long. Until I feel a little pain that start to get unbearable, at that moment I know they gone, our sparkbond is broken. Feeling the coolant running down my faceplate. I would have kept crying but Mudzstar starts crying and whining.

Looks up at where the sparkling lays on their offline carrier. They start to cry harder. Pick them, I start cooing to them, to calm them down. I carry them out of the medbay. Once I am out, I see Ratchet standing there waiting for me.

Ratchet runs a few test on Mudzstar to make sure they ok, after that I took her to my hab suite.



I was testing out my holomatter , when I was pasting a building that had a sign saying adoption day. I stop walking and think 'So earth has adoption centres too, huh well I've always wanted to have a sparkling. I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a human one right?' With that in mind. I start walking.

Walking up to the building I see lots of human femmes and mech also human younglings. Once I get close, I see a human femme, she has a soft smile. she walks up to us and says.

"Hello sir, are you here to adopt a child?" "Yes I am" looking at her, I see a designation tag thst says Emily. "Right, so is there any age range you want or just any" the blue haired femme asks. Think for a few micro-kilicks, I say. "Do you have any spark- babys?" I catched myself before I could finish says sparkling. She gives me a look before saying "yes we do come with me" with that I follow her.

Emily takes me into the housing unit, and up some stairs. Then Emily takes me to a room full of human sparklings. I spent 30 kilicks in that room, playing with almost all the sparklings, since I notice a pale skin sparkling alone. Crouching down to them, look at them. They look so lifeless.

Their Optics are grey. But I notice their right optic is going to the right, their over one is fine. I also notice they have a scar above their top lip, and just under their noes. One more thing I notice is they a bit underweight. No wait a lot underweight, I frown at that. I move onto something else. Their hair is a dark brown, it's also long. Their outfit is a red hoodie. And white dungarees. It brakes my spark looking at them. That's when I decide to give them a better life.

Picking up the femmling, I stand up. I walk over to Emily. "This is the child, I would like to adopt" the blue haired femme gives me a smile, and says. "Right sir. Please follow me, so we can sort out the paperwork for the adoption" with that we walk off.

It didn't take long to do the paperwork. Once it was done, I when into the sparkling room. And pack all their stuff which wasn't much. Once we get out, I take them to my alt-mode. Only to realise they not going to fit in the sit. Sighing I go into my alt-mode with the sparkling named lily. Once I am in my alt-mode, I put them on my lap, and activate my comm. I comm nurse Derby. Waiting forcher to pick up, I look at them. I can't seem to feel pitful for them, no one should go through what they have been through.

Finally June picks up. ::Ratchet? Why are yoh calling me?:: sighing I say "I need you to. . . Look at a human sparkling for me" she doesn't answers for a bit before saying. ::A WHAT. . .Ratchet why do you have a child?:: sighing again I say. "It's a long story. Please can you look at them. And can you not tell anybot about them, please" I hesr her sigh. ::Fine, only on one condition. You tell me everything:: "Very well, I will" with that I hang up.

Knowing I can't deactivate my holomatter, I put the seat belt on over the both of us, and drive off.



It's been one of a amazing solar-cycle, my Sparkling was born, we named her Thunderhowl. She's a triple changer, a very rear triple changer, just like her carrier. And this soler-cycle is more better since Ravage was founded online. It brings happiness to my spark. Walking down a corridor to get to our hab suite.

Once I am there, I open the door. Walking I stop, looking around I don't see Blueframe anywhere. All I see is Thunderhowl on our berth, next them is a datapad. While I was walking over, I see Ravage start exploring the room. Walking up to the berth, pick up Thunderhowl and the datapad.

Turning the datapad on, I see a message. It reads.

To Soundwave.

I am soory, but I can not be a carrier.

I love Thunderhowl, really I do. But I can not do this.

I hope you understand Soundwave.

good bye.

From Blueframe.

Ravage's p.o.v.

As I look around, I feel a wave of anger coming off Soundwave. Sighing I just guess this is going to be a long night. I look up at my host and his offspring. 'I guess, I will be helping Soundwave'


So what ya think of the first part?

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