Meeting the others. Part 1.[Ratchet] [Soundwave] part 2.

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(Note at the bottom)

June's p.o.v.

"This is Lily my sparkling" Ratchet says with a smile. "So this the little one you want me to see" I move closer to the little girl and say. "Hello Lily, I'm June it's nice to meet you" I then turn my attention to the decepticon. "So you the one who Miko talks about? The emotionless one, the one who deleted their emotions for more room for data? the one that hunts people's nightmares? The one who no one wants to be stuck in a room with?" I give him a teasing smile, Ratchet huffs.

"June I can't believe you listen to Miko, Soundwave is not like, you can't even delete emotions that's impossible. Seriously that femme needs to learn to keep her intake shut" "She's a young woman Ratchet, let her be free to talk about anything" he huffs again. "So you the notorious Soundwave? It is nice to meet you, and it is nice to meet you too Thunderhowl" I look up at the dark blue haired man.

After that I told the CMO and TIC to come in.

Soundwave's p.o.v.

Once me, Ratchet, Thunderhowl and Lily, got into the house, I quick look around for anything dangerous. There was nothing just a normal house. "Right just take a seat on the sofa" the femme turned around to face us and says. "Would you like a drink? I do know that you can eat and drink in your holomatters, so would you like one?" "Oh yes please June, I would like a coffee, as black at my spark" says the tan skined mech. 'What is coffee? And I know for a fact Ratchet's spark isn't black, it's blue' With that in mind.

I turn to Ratchet with questionable look, he smirks and says. "What? Never heard of coffee?" I nod, he laughs "Hahaha you supposed to know everything, well I guess that's wrong" he puts his servo on my shoulder and says. "Mecha you need to taste a brew, it's amazing" he take his servo off my shoulder and turns to the raven haired femme.

"Soundwave will have some caffeine too, for Lily and Thunderhowl will have juice" "Ok. It will take a little bit, while I make tge drinks you can watch TV" Ratchet nods. "Thank you June" after that we four walk over to the brown sofa, we sit down on it. 'This feel weird this sofa. It's soft like really soft' I think to myself. Watching as Ratchet turns on the monitor thst is in the middle of the room.

He goes onto something called the anime channel. Once it's switchs to it, I see a orange dinosaur with green optics and a human child, with messy brown hair. He has on a blue t-shirt with orange star on the both his shoulders, and orange shorts. As we watch the monitor I start to get into the video that is playing. (Oooo someone might like digimon)

After a bit June comes back with two cups and two bottles, that have a purple liquid. Immediately the first thought that came to my processor was. 'Dark energon' I quickly stand up with Thunderhowl in my arms, and I sign. ^How to you have dark energon? More importantly why was you going to give it the sparklings. You should have sense not to give to them, shame on you^ the femme raises a brow plate, that's remember I'm ueing sign language and she probably doesn't know what I signed. I give irritated huff and turn to Ratchet and Sign. ^Ratchet tell her what I said^ he sighs.

"Soundwave wants to know why you was going to give the younglings dark energon" she give a dumbfounded look. She then point to the bottles and says.

"That Ribena not dark energon. Why would you think that?" I sign. ^Well maybe because it looks that horrid stuff. So glad I burn all of Megatron's^ "He says it looos like it, I have to agree with Soundwave on that" the Autobot says. She make a 'o' with her intake. "Well I can say it's not. It's just normal blackcurrant juice, carefully ok. not the blood of the chaos god, I tell you that" pleased with the answer I nod.

Ratchet's p.o.v.

After June explained it was dark energon Soundwave nods. He sits back and bring his youngling closer to him, I smile at that. I turn my attention to June, and take one of cups, and bottles from her, I tell her thanks, Soundwave nods to them. I bring the bottles close to Lily, it take her a few micro-kilicks to take it. Looking over at Soundwave, I see him doing the same with his daughter.

After he did that, he looks at the cup that's in his servos. reading his faceplate, I see his is unsure of what to do with it. I decide to help the poor mech out. "It's not going to hurt you Soundwave. It's coffee, it's good" said mech nods, and takes a sip of it, then after a micro-kilick he start charging it down. He finishes it, and signs. ^Can I have more? Because that was great. So can I have more?^ I laugh at that. Looking at the nurse, she says. "I may not know sign language. But I guess you want more? Am I correct?" The violet optic mech nods his helm repeatedly.

June laughs a little. "Ok I take that as a yes" with that she takes off.

(Time skip by Jesika, Rashi and Zek, sleeping)

We spent 3 breem at June's, June checked Lily over. She told us thst she is severely underweight, she told me why her right optic is going to the right, something called lazy eye, and that when she's older she probably need glasses, because people with lazy eyes usually end up with glasses. For she weight problem it's best to keep her on liquids, then slowly transition to solids.

Now me, Soundwave, Thunderhowl and Lily, are in my alt-mode with the sparklings in our laps, we are heading to autobot outpost omega one, since Optimus commed me asking where I am. I told him I was with Soundwave, he said 'oh' before continuing. Now here we are driving to the base.


Something I want to say.

1. Why does Soundwave ues sign language, he was born mute in my story.

2. Well looks like Soundwave is addicted to coffee lol.

3. Why Soundwave burn all of Megatron's lovely (not lovely) dark energon, because he didn't want anyones sparkling near thst stuff.

4. Predaking's sparkling is named Eebolt.

Well intill next time, byyyyeeeee.

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