Meeting the others, part 2.

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[Knock out & Breakdown] [Soundwave] [Predaking] [Ultra magnus] [Starscream] [Optimus] Part 1.

 This chapter is set on Cybertron. 

<Laserbeak's talk through bon>

//Ravage's talk through bond//


Knock out's p.o.v

Me, Breakdown, Sidewire, and Traiofire, was head to a park. . . That is fireproof. Why is it fireproof? Because Predaking has been teaching his offspring how to ues fire, yeah nothing is more terrifying then having a sparkling predacon ues fire on your aft. 

"Right so. . . We doing this? Letting our sparklings play with other sparkling?" Asks the ex-wrecker. "Of course, why wouldn't we? Plus it's great for them to make friends. So stop being worried Breakdown" I say in my usual tone. "Yeah. . . Yeah you right, sorry" he said. "Don't be Braaky, it be fine" with that we continue to walk to the park.

Ultra Magnus p.o.v.

"Apple" I said to the seeker in front of me. "I need you to be on your best behaviour" I lean down to the seekerling and said. "Can you do that sweetspark?" The red and white seeker looks up at me, I smile at them. I pick them up and head to the park.

Soundwave's p.o.v.

I sign to both of my symbiotes. ^You both are in charge into me and Thunderhowl come home. Question: do you understand your responsibilities?^ <I understand creator. What about you kitten?> the cybercat gives the bird like creature a glare. //Yes boss, I do. Now if you excuse me, I have a femme to get back at// the black cybercat said thorough our bond. I nod to them, and open a spacebridge, since I am on earth. 

Picking up my sparkling I head to the spacebridge.

Starscream's p.o.v.

"Now my little spawn of Unicron, we are heading off to this place called a park" I say while pacing back and forth with my hands behind my back. I continue. "We have a repetition to up hold, so that means you have to be a good little femmling" I stop pacing amd turn my helm to the seekerling on the sofa. "Do you understand?" 

She gives me a curious look, like asking 'what are you talking about?'. Sighing I pick up my sparkling, and say. "Be a girl femme and I get you a energon ice cream" she nods. I do my usual laugh, and say. "Excellent, now let us depart for this playdate" 

Predaking's p.o.v.

I was flying through the sky with Eebolt on my back. Looking around I spot the park where we having the playdate at, I start to slow down, and head down to the ground.

Oncec we land I ues my tail to pick up Eebolt, and put her safety on the ground, after I did that I transformed into my root-mode.

Looking around I see we the only ones here, I decide to head to a nearby bench. We sit on the bench, I put Eebolt in my lap and put a datapad out of my subspace, and read it while we wait for the other's.

It takes 6 kilicks for Knock out, Breakdown, and two sparklings who I guess are Sidewire and Traiofire, to get here. Putting my datapad back into subspace, and pick up Eebolt. I walk over them and greet them. "Hello Knock out, Breakdown" I bend down a little to the sparklings and said. "And these two must be Sidewire and Traiofire?" I look up at the red and blue mechs.

Knock out was the one to answer. "Yep those are ours, why wouldn't think they are? Do you think we kidnap two sparklings that look like us?" Breakdown adjusts Traiofire who is in his arms. "Yeah like KO said they are ours" Breakdown smiles after saying that.

Noding to them I st .and back up and say. "Well this one here is mine" I say pointing at the sparkling at my side. Eebolt looks at them with curiosity.

Knock out lean down to them and he said. "Why hello there Eebolt, and yes, you can bask in my gorgeous finish" I growl at the red medic. He looks up with a smirk on his faceplate. "What? Everyone loves my finish, don't they my conjunx" her trun his helm to the blue mech. "Yeah that's right. Did I say it right Knock out" said the blue mech, while the red does a irritated sigh. As we talked a spacebridge opens, and a certain spy and his younling comes through.

Soundwave's p.o.v.

I was shoulder holding Thunderhowl, while I walk over of the spacebridge, once am I out of it I see Predaking, Knock out, Breakdown, and who I resume are their sparklings.

Walking over to them, they notice me and my sparkling. "Well if it isn't Soundwave and who I guess is Thunderhowl, what a cutie. Though not at cute as sidewire, but still cute"

[To be continued]

*trips over BNHA manga* 'oof' "Well hello there. It's me Mudz, just say I am sorry that this is a short chapter, really I am. Anyways next be out whenever today or tomorrow. I do not know" *shrugs* "also I would like to say a BIG THANKS TO OPTIMUS GIRL, you are a big help and I appreciate your help. thank you" *opens a groundbridge and walks into it*

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