Meeting the others, part 3.[Bumblebe] [Wheeljack & Bulkhead] [Megatron]

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[All the cybertronian's are in their holomatter]

Bumblebee's p.o.v.

Walking through the groundbridge with Zek and Rachi, who are in a yellow and black pram. Why are we going through a groundbridge? Because we meeting up with two wreckers, and one ex-warlord. Of course I made sure all of them are in their holomatter, why are they in their holos? Well my sparklings are human, and I don't want them to ger offlined. What are we doing you may ask? Well we having a movie night on the nemesis.

Once we through I see Megatron, Wheeljack, Bulkhead and their sparklings. All mechs turn towards me. Walking up to them, Megatron was the first to speak. "Ah well if it isn't the little scout" I give the ex-warlord a scowl at that. The silver male smirks. "Well now little bug, I think that look doesn't suit you" I stick my glossa out at the red eyed mech.

"My, my, so the rumours are true, you still a sparkling" before I can do anything Wheeljack pipes up. "Right that's enough you two. Jeez if you two start insulting each other actually make it brutal, not childish" after he that, he walks over to his bondmate and sparklings. Looking back the ex-warlord, I see him giving the wrecker the stink optic.

Bulkhead's p.o.v.

I was getting our sparkling's settled for the movie, when I feel someone put their arm around my neck, and pull me close to them, of course I squeak at it, before I get a kiss on the right side of my helm, then start all around my helm. They start to get more passionate in the kissing, then start nibbling at my neck. They continue intil I hear someone go "you know there are hab suite on this ship? I rather not see this nor do I want my sparkling exposed to lovey-dovey stuff" Wheeljack let's go with a huff, turning around I see Megatron with his arms crossed, and unamused look.

Wheeljack coughs awkwardly, and I just move from one pede to another. "And you suppose to be wreckers. Well whatever, let's start this movie night started" nodding I move over to the sofa with Wheeljack and our sparklings. Stonebeam was in my lap, Sonicblast was in his carrier's lap, and for Cloudtracks was in the middle of us.

Looking at Bumblebee, I see him in a yellow and black blanket with one black haired mechling, the other was white haired femmling, I smile at that. Looking over to the red optic mech, I see a purple haired sparkling siting next to the ex-warlord, the sparkling has a purple with dark orange stripes.

Megatron's p.o.v.

I looking at the autobots and their sparklings, I see all of them holding their sparklings. Looking at Galvatron who sits to my right, sighing I pick up Galvatron and his blanket, and put him on my lap.

Looking up at the monitor I pess play on the movie called IT. It's supposed to be good, from what I looked up.

[After the movie]

Wheeljack's p.o.v

"That. . . Was. . ." I look at Bulkhead, to see that he looks like he just saw a sparkeater. Looking over at Bumblebee, looks the same at Bulkhead. Turning my helm to the ex-gladiator, who looks haunted by the movie. Looking at all the sparklings I see all are in recharge, thank the allspark.

Sighing I relax on the sofa.


Sorry for this being short. >~<

Megatron must have thought it was great idea to watch IT.

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