How they met. Part 2.

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"Let me get this straight, you want us to look after two human sparklings, in till they 18" says Ratchet. "That is what I am saying" Ratchet huffs. "Thry could go squish under our pede's" The medic shot back. "Well then you better watch your step" they keep gonig.

I decide to take them on. Walking over to fowler and Ratchet, I say to Ratchet.

"I can look after them" Ratchet gives me a deadpan, and says. "Absolutely not. You won't have time for them. Your a scout, not a sparkling sitter" he keeps going until Optimus steps in. "Old friend. Think of this as a learning experience for Bumblebee" the prime turns to me. "Are you comfortable with taking on a sparklings, Bumblebee?" I nod my helm repeatedly. He gives me a small smile. Ratchet on the over servo is salty about it. Watching as he sulks off.

We turn to agent Fowler. "Bumblebee has offered to look after them. Is isn't that correct Bumblebee" the last of the prime's questions me. I nod my helm. "Well then, that settles it" says the dark skined mech. After that I activate my holoform, and follow agent.

The dark skin mech take me into a room where the sparklings are. I watch as he move to a sofa. And picks up two little human. He walks over to me."I would like to introduced you to Rashi, Rashi Rashrom. And her twin brother Zek Rashrom" 'Twins huh. Cool'

Looking at Rashi. Her skin is light pale. The fibres coming out of her helm are white. Her eyes are striking blue. She is wearing a long white dress. Looking at her brother. He is pale too. Like his sister apart from they not white. But black. His optics a crimson red. Heis outfit is a black top, and black shorts, that have light blue stripes on them. I take them from fowler. This cycle is going to be all about them.


Looking at the predacon sparkling, shockwave just handed to me. The front of her wings are tea rose colour, the back of them are burnt orange. Same goes for her frame. Her optics are golden brown. I look up at the cyclops, and before I can say anything. He says. "She is your sparkling now. You looked lonely so I made her for you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do" with that the purple mech left. I look down at the sparkling. And bring her close to my spark. I'm going to protect her no matter the cost.


I can't believe I'm suck looking for a stupid escape pod. Couldn't Megatron get Soundwave to do this huh. Or is Soundwave too precious, and delicate for this, I even said so to the buckethelm himself. But at least no, gee you would think Megatron is Soundwave's sire. But I don't think so, I think Soundwave's sire is that freak of a mad scientist. Megatron pet mad scientist, as he calls them.

Walking on this mud ball plant called, and I quote platinum poontang. That is the most stupidest name that has come in contact with my audio receptors. Walk though organic things. After muttering and cursing this planet, and Megatron. I make it to the escape pod. Walking up to it. Walking around it I note there is no autobot or decepticon insignia on it. Getting close to the door I see a control panel on the outside. I decide whether or not to try and ues the panel, or my blaster. In the end I decide to do with my blaster. Pointing it at the door at point blank range, powering it up I get interrupted by a comm from scrapheap who has the designation of Megatron.

::Starscream:: ugh what now. "Yes lord Megatron" ::What do you think, you do doing with that blaster:: huh, how does he know? Turning around I see Soundwave's drone, hovering next to me. How the frag did I miss them. I quickly realised, I'm still on a comm with Megatron. Transforming my blaster back into my servo.

"I um was going to blast the eeerr door" ::Is that so. even though I can see a control panel on the pod on the feed from Laserbeak, Starscream:: ah of course it shows. "Well hehehe, I thought umm" I hear him growl. ::You thought what Starscream? Do tell:: oh great I think I made a hole for myself. Thinking on what to say next, I say. "What the control panel might not work" I hear him sigh. ::Starscream do you think, I was only born yesterday?:: giving a awkward laugh, I say. "Of course (yes I do. you scrapheap) not, lord Megatron" after that we talked (argued) for a bit more. While we was talking Soundwave's drone had the audacity to unlock the door to the escape pod. And take MY credit.

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