Sire set up.

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Before we start when I will be ueing football instead of soccer, since I am from the uk, and we call it football.

Masala is a virus that Raf created.

Lily is 12 and a half.

Rashi and zek are 12

Thunderhowl is 12.

No other sparklings are in this.

[Bumblebee] [Ratchet] [Soundwave]

Ratchet's p.o.v.

Me and Bumblebee just picked up our youngling from their Activities at the sport centre. What do our sparklings do there? You may ask, well Lily does athletics there, Rashi does skateboarding while her brother does basketball. Now me, Lily, Zek and Rashi, are waiting for the twins sire to come back Greggs with our food.

As a start reading my datapad I hear from one of the sparkling say. "HEY YOU CHEATING" shouted the crimson optics in the left back seat. "NO I DIDN'T ZEKY" sbouted the striking blue optics femmling. Sighing I turn around in my seat to the sparkling, I open my intake to say shut it, but before I can the grey optic femmling said. "Guys please shut it, I'm trying listen to my music" she takes a deep in-vent before continuing.

"And if you don't  I swear to primus I will hit both of you on the head" both the black haired and white haired, gulp hard at the brown haired femmling. The twins nod their helms and shut up. I smirk at how my sparkling can get them to be quite.

Turning back around in my seat, and go back to my datapad.

Bumblebee's p.o.v.

I was heading out of Greggs with one tomato soup with apple juice, and a veggie sausage roll with a cup full of green tea for Ratchet and his sparkling. I got for myself and zek, a cheese and onion salad sub rolls and orange juice. Rashi wanted a vegan steak bake and water.

Also I got everyone a treat, for the youngling's I got them novelty biscuit's. for me, I got myself a lemon muffin. Ratchet gets a jemmy heart biscuit, why? Well Ratchet need to have more heart then throwing wrenches at everyone every five micro-kilicks, I chuckle at that.

[Time skip by Ratchet flirting with Soundwave]

We been on the road for 30 kilick now everyone has eaten their food, well I eat my when there was a red light. Heading out of the town so we can groundbridge to the base.

Once we away from the town Ratchet comms for a groundbridge. Once we see the groundbridge I speed up to it and enter it. When we back at base all three younglings rush out of my alt-mode. Looking over at the CMO I'm just in time to see him fade away, and return back to his original form I do the same.

Lily's p.o.v.

Once we got home me, Rashi and Zek ran off to the living room a.k.a the human area what Jack, Miko and Raf call it. Once we get there we see Raf sat on the yellow old sofa working on his laptop.

Turning my head to the twins I say. "So whose going to text them to come?" The black haired boy shrugs while his sister says. "You the oldest, you should do it" sighing I said a 'fine' and watch at the black and white haired eleven year olds walk over to the old yellow sofa. pulling out my phone, and go into the texting app.

I needed a hug:Yo.

My sire is superior:Hello Glasses, what's up?

I needed a hug:The ceiling -_-

My sire is superior:(╬ಠ益ಠ) you know I didn't mean that.

I needed a hug:I know, I know. ٩(^ᴗ^)۶

My sire is superior:*sighs* what is it you want Glasses?

I needed a hug:Operation stealthanger is a go.

My sire is superior:Seriously it's a go?

I neede a hug:Yep it's a go wolfbird.

My sire is superior:Ok glasses. Question: is there anyone else involved in this Operation?

I needed a hug:Yep Blue Flare and Bolt Strike are in it, as well as laptop. Still can't believe we got him in on it.

My sire is superior:Great the more people we can get the better.

I needed a hug:Yeah doll.

My sire is superior:Have you been hanging out with KO? again -_-

I needed a hug:Maybe ╮(╯∀╰)╭

My sire is superior:*Sighs* really Glasses.

I needed a hug:Yep really wolfbird.

My sire is superior:-_-

I needed a hug: :3

My sire is superior:Where should we meet up bot base? or con base?

I needed a hug:Ours, you know how your sire is... you know spying on us, especially after that little stunt me, you, primechild, and wreckerstone, did that thing with lord buckethead.

My sire is superior:Ah I will never forget the image of him pink :D

I needed a hug:Anyways I think it's time we move on with out plans, don't you think?.

My sire is superior:Yep. Now it's time for my part of the plan.

I needed a hug:K. I'm off to get primechild

I put my phone and look at the twins and the other glasses wielder. Walking up to the yellow sofa where, once I am there I said. "Operation stealthanger" all three nod their heads.

Raf's p.o.v.

"Operation stealthanger" after Lily said that I, and the twins nod our head. Getting up from the sofa with my laptop. I try not to look suspicious walking over to the main computer. Once I'm at the main computer I adjust my glasses, and have a quick scan of the area to makd sure there isn't any Cybertronian, which there isn't. Sighing I turn on my laptop.

Once my laptop is booted up, I go to the file called masala, and make a copy of it. Gonig on to the email I made for this mission. Typing up a bogus email about new ways to get rid of cosmic rust, and attach masala what I renamed to rust prevention to it, then send it to the hub, now to wait.

[Time skip by Harry Potter watching Hedwig flying about]

Ratchet's p.o.v.

I was walking over to the main computer, after having my afternoon energon. Once I'm at the computer I see, I have a email by Brainstorm.

Going onto I see.

This email has been sent to mechs and femme, who I know have cosmic rust, I see you there Ratchet.

Don't deny it Ratch, we both know you do.

Don't worry Ratchet, you will no longer have cosmic rust when you see the file attached to this email.

Because I Brainstorm am the bestest scientists known universe.

so I found out away to stop cosmic rust.

It is 100% safe.

Is this a joke? It has to be, but I do have a little bit of cosmic rust. It wouldn't hurt to look, right? With that I open the file, that is called rust prevention, I would think it be called something else, but no it isn't.

When I open the file everything. . . Goes black, then comes back with a human femme with blue hair.

"Nuapurista kuulu se polokan tahti
Jalakani pohjii kutkutti
Ievan äiti se tyttöösä vahti
Vaan kyllähän Ieva sen jutkutti,
Sillä ei meitä silloin kiellot haittaa
Kun myö tanssimme laiasta laitaan
Salivili hipput tupput täppyt
Äppyt tipput hilijalleen"

I quickly try and turn the fragger off, but I can't everything I try won't turn it off. Sighing I turn my helm to see if Rafael is still here, unfortunately when I look around I don't see him, nor the others. Sighing again I unsubspace my datapad, and onto chats.

[To be continued]

Sorry for the cliffhanger.

Also sorry for the late chapter >~<

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