Meeting the others. Part 1.[Ratchet] [Soundwave] part 1.

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I had to break this up since it's long.

^Sign language^

Ratchet's p.o.v.

As I was driving with the sparkling in my lap. I realised I'm not in Jasper Nevada, I'm in Leeds Yorkshire. Once I get to a red light, I hit my helm against the wheel repeatedly, and mutter frag. 'Great just fragging great. Now all of team prime will know. . . Wait no they won't since. . . Wait it's 8:43 over there, meaning they be waking up, scrap. And then be comming me, to find out why the frag I'm not there' I think, and keep thinking. Until I realized there is somecon who can help.

Driving to a secluded forest, checking to make sure Jessika is alright, which they are. Taking off the seatbelt, opening the door. I place Lily on the ground a bit away from my real form, so I don't hurt them while transforming.

After transforming I take out my datapad from subspace.

Turning on the pad, I go to the message app, looking through chats, I find the one I'm looking for.

Wrench god:Soundwave?

Watch out for the quiet ones:Yes.

Wrench god:I need a groundbridge.

Watch out for the quiet ones:Do the Autobots not possessed groundbridge? Last time I checked you do.

Wrench gob:*sigh* yes, yes we do, but I have something that I do not want the team to find out.

Watch out for the quiet ones:Question:what is it, you do not want your team to find out?

Wrench god:I'm not saying.

Watch out for the quiet ones:Then I can not help you.

Wrench god:Seriously.

Watch out for the quiet ones:¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Wrench god:*Sighing again* Fine, I may have added a new member.

Watch out for the quiet ones:New member? Elaborate.

Wrench god:I may have adopted.

Watch out for the quiet ones:Elaborate.

Wrench god:*Sigh* A humna sparkling.

Watch out for the quiet ones:Question is it because Bumblebee got two human sparkling two earth days ago?

Wrench god:WHAT NO . . .I've always wanted my own one. And everyone have one, just made me want one more.

Watch out for the quiet ones:Ah I see. Welcome to the world of being a single sire.

Wrench god:Thank you. . . I guess. Now can you send a groundbridge? Would really love that.

Watch out for the quiet ones:Before opening groundbridge, what are the designation, and age.

Wrench god:Of course you would ask. *Sighs* their designation is Lily. They 5 months old. Happy? Now send that fragging bridge. 

Watch out for the quiet ones:Very :) will be sending bridge soon.

Wrench god:Good.

With that I turn off my datapad and subspace it again. Transforming into my alt-mode, I activate my holomatter, and walking over to the sparkling, who is still where I left them.

Picking them I take them back to my real form. Once we in I see a groundbridge open, quickly putting on the seatbelt, and dive to the bridge. One through bridge I see Soundwave holding his sparkling Thunderhowl, I also see we in his berthroom.

Getting out of my true form with Lily I look up to him and put on a sly smile I say. "You know Soundwave you supposed to take a mech out before taking them to the berthroom" watching as his visor goes blue from what I just said, I smirk at that, and continue to flirt with the spy mater. "You know they say that Crystal City is the most beautiful place on cybertron. Well apparently, no one has ever seen beautiful from been  standing next to you I say I can" watching as he gets a pillow with his free servo and put it over his visor.

I continue. "I'd say primus bless you, but it looks like he already did. There must be something wrong with my optics, I can't take them off you" watching as he trys to hide himself in the pillow I feel a smile coming on. I continue to torment the poor mech, intil Thunderhowl starts moving about in Soundwave's arm.

Watching as the spy mater removes the pillow and walks over to cabinet, he opens it and puts a bottle full of energon, and walking to the middle of the room, he puts Thunderhowl and hands her the bottle, her take and start drinking it.

Looking down at my sparkling I say to Soundwave. "Do you think, you can open a groundbridge. Sweetspark" I grin at the last sentence. 

Soundwave's p.o.v

I activate my holomatter since Ratchet is in his. Walking over to the autobot CMO, going behind him, I put my arm up and hit him on the helm.

"Oww" he Turns around after I hit him, he glare at me, I give him a mischief smile. Leaning next him, I give him a quick peck on the faceplate, leaning back I have a giant shit grin, he huffs, I see his faceplate is red. I sign to the mech in front of me. ^Ratchet why must you do that every time we meet?^ he sighs. "Because the author trying to get us together" in the background I hear someone shout 'HEY NO FOURTH WALL BREAKING' I don't if I should be scared or not of that embody voice, I decide to ignore it. The red and white haired mech continues.

"Anyways can you bridge me to June's? Soundwave-senpai?" Oh of course he would do that, shaking my helm I sign. ^Why you do you need a bridge to June's^ "Because I want her to have a look at Lily" he moves the sparkling more up. "Since I don't really know much about humans and know less about human sparkling. Before you sign I wanted her" I nod my helm to him. I get a great idea from that.

I deactivate my holomatter and turns back to my real form. I walk over to Thunderhowl, picking her up I activate her holomatter since she can't do it. after I did that I sign to Ratchet telling him to pick up my sparkling while I open a groundbridge.

After I open the bridge I reactivated my holomatter, I walk up to Ratchet whosp says. "What are doing Soundwave? Why have you put Thunderhowl in her holomatter? Why are you in your holomatter?" I huff and sign. ^Haven't left the ship for a bit, plus it's a great opportunity to meet June Derby^ I send him a small smile.

He sighs. "Ok only because you amazing to look at in holomatter and your real form" he winks at me, I feel my faceplate heat up, he laughs at it. "Hahahah and you supposed to be the scary one that hunts sparklings nightmares and grown mechs and femmes ones, hahaha. They should be calling you kawaii" 

That got him another hit to the helm. "Owww can you stop hitting me" he growls, I shrug at him. ^Well at least I don't act like a youngling when I'm with a decepticon. You suppose to. . .wait notorious for having a bad temper and throwing wrench at femmes and mechs. And you always a grouch but with me you act like a different mech" that earned me wrench to the helm. I fall over from impacted. I look up at the medic, who is hold my sparkling and his. 'How frag did he throw that wrench while having his servo full?' Getting back to my pedes and glare at the CMO.

"Before you sigh it was your symbiote Ravage" he moves out of the way to reveal Ravage, who is smiling.

{Time skip by Ravage dragging Ratchet, Soundwave, Thunderhowl and Lily, though the groundbridge}

We made it to June's house after being dragged by Ravage thought the bridge. I move Thunderhowl in my arms. I follow Ratchet up to the house door and knocks on it. A few micro-kilicks later a femme answers the door, who I guess is June.

"Hello June, before you ask the mech behind me is Soundwave and his sparkling Thunderhowl" he point at the sparkling in his arms. "This is Lily my sparkling"

[To be continued]

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