Text messages

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Shawn- CRUSH ❤️

I was at the shops when I got a text message I check who it was and it was from MY CRUSH OMG soo I open the message and he said....

CRUSH ❤️- hiiiii
Me- heyyy
I close my phone and a second later he replies.
CRUSH ❤️- hru 😁
Me- I'm great ☺️ hbu???
CRUSH ❤️- I'm great too 😚 sooo whatcha doin???
Me- I'm at the shops y?
CRUSH ❤️- oh nothing just wondering 😉
Me- hmmm Mr Mendes r u up to something? 😏
CRUSH ❤️- maybe
I close my phone and walk into Victoria secret. I walk around just looking if they have anything nice to for. And I see this amazing bikini.

I decided to buy it after trying it on

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I decided to buy it after trying it on.
I walk out of the store and see Shawn standing waiting for me. He smiles when he sees me and walks up to me.
"Well hello there beautiful young lady it's nice to see you!" I blush and reply, "well hello these Mr Mendes!" I say with a smirk. "Well darling I was wondering if you would like to go for a little lunch date?" Shawn says with a shy smile.

I look at him and......To be continued

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