A girl appeared

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-Meliodas' POV-

I talked with Ban in the tavern, everyone else talked to someone too, until it got silent. Every sin sensed a magical power no one had sensed before. It come closer and closer. After some seconds the door opens and a girl come in. The girl had one green eye and one red eye and blonde short hair to her shulders. I got shocked when I saw who it was. Without thinking, I ran to her and hugged her. When I stopped, I saw she could barely stand. She was cold and had many cuts on her body, even her armor had borke. She was bleeding and was covered in blood at some parts of her body. Everyone looked confused at me.

"I... I... You... Help!" She said.

"Captain, do you know her?" Gowther asked. I took out a chair and she sat down.

"How are you? What happened? Does it..." I got cut of by the girl.

"Stop being overprotective! I have been in much worse, you know that! I am just a little exhausted, that's all." She said.

"A little exhausted?!" King yelled.

"You are covered in blood!" He continues.

"You have been in worse?!" Diane yelled.

"Yeah, this is nothing." The girl said.

"Who are you anyway?" Ban asked a little bored.

"My name is Lyria, I am Meliodas..." She got cut off of Meliodas.

"She's my old friend!" I said so fast I could before Lyria could finish.

-Lyria's POV-

When Meliodas cut me of I understand what he wanted. I stood up again and looked at everyone.

"Anyway, who are you others?" I asked.

"This is the seven deadly sins." Meliodas said.

"Your new gang, huh?" I asked.

"Yes, and Elizabeth." Meliodas said.

"My name is Diane, I am a giant." Diane said.

"But you are in the same size like us, have the giants get smaller under the years I have been gone?" I said confused.

"No, I am taking pills to be small." Diane said.

"Why is that? You should be proud of your race, fearless warriors that don't hesitate to use their earth powers." I said.

"Oh, t-thanks, I think." Diane said.

"And you others?" I asked.

"Well, I am Harlequin, but you can call me King..." King said, but got cut off.

"Let me guess, you are the third fairy king?" I said, hoping I was right.

"Yes, how did you know?" King asked shocked.

"Your powers, but your wings haven't grown, that means you can't use your full power yet." I said.

"Even I didn't know about that!" King said.

"I am Ban the undead." Ban said to make King shut up.

"Undead?" I said really confused.

"I will show you." King said and stabbed Ban with his Chastiefol so Ban got a big hole in his stomach. Ban's stomach got healed.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" Ban yelled to King.

"Just pay back." King said.

"That was amazing!" I said. I saw Gowther and looked confused.

"Gowther?... No! You are Gowther's doll!" I said.

"Yes, I am a doll." Gowther said.

"I am Escanor, lion sin of pride." Escanor said with big pride.

"I have sensed your magic before, aren't you that goddess?!" I said and yelled a little on the end.

"No, no, he is not!" Meliodas said.

"Let's continue, this is Elizabeth." Meliodas said.

"Hello." Elizabeth said to me and then a woman popped up from nowhere.

"Merlin, where have you been?" Diane asked.

"A experiment" Merlin said quickly.

"Wait, wait, wait, aren't you Belions daughter?" I said existed. Merlin looked at me.

"Yeah, I am." She said and I got more excited.

"I have always wanted to meet you! I am so glad I did!" I said quickly. I turned around to see Meliodas again.

"I never thought you would have so cool and, well, friendly friends, brother!" I said. Meliodas slapped his forehead and then I understood what I just said. Everyone looked at me and Meliodas with open mouths.

"I am so so so sorry, Meliodas." I said.

"YOU HAVE A SISTER?!" King yelled.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US?!" Diane yelled.

"Captain?!" Ban said.

"Captain? Aren't you calling him prince Meliodas?" I asked everyone and they got even more surprised.

"Are you serious Lyria?!" Meliodas asked me.

-Elizabeth's POV-

Prince Meliodas? Is he royal? I trough. I was still surprised and a little shy from when Lyria come.

"You explain now, Captain!" Lady Diane said.

"No!" Sir Meliodas said.

"Haven't you told them anything about yourself?" Lady Lyria asked sir Meliodas. Everyone started shake their heads.

"Why are you here anyway?" Sir Meliodas asked, changing the subject.

"I come here to get help from you, brother is sick and we need help to protect everything from the vampire clan, because father started a war with the vampires. " Lady Lyria said.

"And I kinda hoped that you could teach me more about how to fight than father, you know how he is." Lady Lyria continued.

"I can't help you, you know why!" Meliodas said.

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