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-Elizabeth's POV-

"Why can't we help?" I asked sir Meliodas.

"Well, I am kinda... banished." Sir Meliodas said.

"WHAT?!" Every sin yelled but not lady Merlin or sir Gowther.

"But I can make father lift the banishment. Please help us?" Lady Lyria said hopefully.

"No, I am fine with the banishment, I don't want to see him again! And it is his problem that he started a war with the vampire clan!" Sir Meliodas said.

"Please, brother?" Lady Lyria said.

"And even if I return, he would want me to be a cruel, coldharted, emotionless murderer again!" Sir Meliodas said.

"But you was our strongest warrior then! Please?" Lady Lyria said.

"Captain, we can help you with your father, but I want to help Lyria." King said and everyone agreed.

"Okay then, we will start with the training now." Sir Meliodas said. Everyone agreed and walked outside.

"First, we will look what you can, you will fight the sins so I know witch level you are on." Sir Meliodas said.

"Okay!" Lady Lyria said.

"You will start with a fight with King, King, you are allowed to have a weapon and don't go easy on her, you will regret it." Sir Meliodas said.

Everyone just sat down and watched the fight. King attacked with every configuration of his Chastiefol but he still lost.

Then it was Ban's turn, he used physical hunt but lost. She was too fast and strong, so she knocked him out before he stole her full strength.

After that it was Diane's turn, she was in her giant form but got knocked out as well for the same reason as Ban did.

After that it was Gowther's round. He used nightmare teller on her. That was not an easy match for Lyria but she won at least.

Merlin was after Gowther. She was the hardest to fight until now, her magic was strong. In the end she won against Merlin.

The second last fight was with Escanor. He was so strong with his sun shine magic and Lyria barely made it. In the end she won.

Now was the last fight. Meliodas vs Lyria. Everyone was excited, but they also thought Lyria was going to win. When Lyria lost really fast and Meliodas didn't even have a scratch everyone gasped.

"Okay, it seems you all need to train for some hours!' Sir Meliodas said.

"Sir Meliodas, shouldn't they rest first?" I asked. They all locked burn out.

"No, it's no rest in war." He said.

"Is she your girlfriend or something, brother?" Lyria asked. My face got red and I felt very hot.

"No, everyone, come on, we will start now!" Meliodas yelled.

"Ah man, why did I agree to this?" Ban said and Lyria laughed.

"What are you laughing about?!" King asked.

"You are lame, if you want to be a strong warrior you don't have time to rest." Lyria says and jumps up again.

"What will we do now?" Lyria asked Meliodas.

"We will start with some training with the weapons." Meliodas said.

-King's POV-

Captain know very much about being a warrior in a war. Lyria said that he was the strongest warrior too. I wonder if the Captain actually have been a warrior in a war.

"Captain, how come you know so much about fighting in a war?" I asked. He just looked at me.

"I don't really want to talk about it." He said.

After we have trained no one could move a muscle but Meliodas and Elizabeth who didn't train.

"Meliodas?" Lyria asked.

"Yeah?" Meliodas said.

"Why can't you just cook something to the vampires? We could win easily if they eat your food." Lyria asked launching. Everyone started laugh.

"Ha ha, really funny!" Meliodas said little angry. Everyone laughed more and said it was really funny.

"But I can't believe how much you have changed, big bro." Lyria said happy.

"How was he before?" Elizabeth asked.

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