Out of control

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-Elizabeth's POV-

I just can't believe how the demon king is to his own sons, now I understand why sir Meliodas hates him so much.

Then I heard a voice. It was lady Lyria. She was in front of sir Zeldoris and yelled at her father. I then noticed that sir Zeldoris is falling to the floor. He had passed out.

Sir Meliodas started going to lady Lyria to stop her. He tried to convince her before she got slapped and it did work. Then I heard a loud noise and saw sir Meliodas flying to the wall.

"Father!" Lady Lyria yelled angry and scared.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Screamed sir Meliodas.

"For helping your sister!" The demon king said harsh. I run up to sir Meliodas and helped him, the sins come after. Everyone started to ask if he was okay and things like that.

"You six! You will start training! 1 000 000 push-ups! NOW!" The demon king said. Everyone started do like he said. I helped sir Meliodas to his room and was sitting beside him.

-The next day - At Meliodas room - Ban's POV-

I woke up to hear chatting and someone poking me. It was the Captain.

"Wake up Ban, wake up Ban, Ban, wake up, Ban, wake up..." I heard him said that multiple  times and poked me in the meanwhile.

"I am up, I am up." I said irritating.

"Good, 'cause you will get punished if you aren't in the training room in 5 minutes, you others too." Captain said and we all started to panic. We started running towards the training room as fast as we could.

When we arrived we saw Zeldoris train again. He was in worse condition than yesterday. After some minutes the Captain arrived. He just sat down and looked when we trained. Then from nowhere he got slapped so hard he was going trough about 10 walls.

"Don't just look at their training! If you are here you will train too!" The demon king said harsh. The sins and I run to the Captain but before we arrived he stand up.

His eyes were more black than before, like a bottomless black sea. He started to walk back to us with demon marks over his whole body.

"I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS! YOU JUST SLAP ME BECAUSE YOU THINK IT'S FUNNY!" He yells so loud they need to cover their ears.

"What are you doing?!" The demon king says and sounds a little scared.

"What I should have done a long time ago!" Captain said. Lyria come running to look what happened. Both Lyria and Zeldoris looked scared and couldn't move. Then suddenly Lyria run up to the Captain, trying to stop him. Captain just pushed away Lyria so she fall on the floor.

"STOP THIS MELIODAS!" Zeldoris yelled but the Captain just continued.

"Do you really think you can defeat me?" The demon king said.

"I know I will!" Captain said in a scary voice. The demon king tried to slap him again but the Captain was holding him with his hand. The demon king couldn't move. Everyone gasped in surprise. Then suddenly, the Captain was holding the demon kings hand and the demon king was sitting against a wall on the other side of the room. Everyone just looked in surprise until the Captain started walking.

We all run up to him, trying to stop him, even Zeldoris, but he was too strong. He just puches all of us of of him. Then from nowhere...

"SIR MELIODAS!" A voice yelled and he stopped and turned around.

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