Demon realm

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-Diane's POV-

When Elizabeth asked of how the Captain was before I started thinking about it. We had never heard that he had a family before.

"He wasn't a person you wanna mess with if we say so." Lyria said. That made me think about it more. I really wanted to know how he was.

"Please tell us more about him?" I asked.

"Stop talking about me!" Meliodas said a little angry.

"We should listen to him before he gets angry." Lyria said.

"Come on everyone, the break is over. We need to  train." Meliodas shouted.

"But it's late, Caaptaain." Ban said.

"In a war you fight until it is over or you are dead, so get up!" Meliodas said. Everyone just ignored Meliodas, even Lyria.

"Then I will stop training you and father will instead!" Meliodas shouted. Lyria stood up faster than the eye can see.

"What can he do that is so much worse than what you already are doing?" Ban asked.

"You will see when he starts training you." Meliodas said.

"Go in in the tavern and rest, we are going there now!" Meliodas yelled to everyone.

"Lyria, I will still train you, so start running home!" Meliodas yelled.

-The next day - before they arrived-

"It is just one thing you should know about where my family live." Meliodas said.

"What is it?" I said worried.

-Meliodas' POV-

"Well, the thing is, it's easier if I just show you." I said. Lyria come in, she was exhausted.

"Did you train the whole night?" Elizabeth asked Lyria.

"Y-Yeah, I don't want father to train me!" Lyria said.

"Okay everyone, we need to go the rest way!" I shouted. Everyone got down to a portal.

"What is this?" King asked.

"The portal to our home." Lyria said.

"Before we is going in I will just tell you some thing about it." I started.

"What is it?" Diane asked.

"Well, the first thing is that we can't start a fight, it's really important and the second thing is, don't say something to my father without permission from him." I said. Everyone looked at me confused but nodded. Then we got in.

The portal took us in front of a city. It was a big castle in the middle of the city and many demons inside the city.

"What is this place?" Gowther and King asked at the same time.

"The demon realm." I answered. I and Lyria activated our demon powers and then we all started going in to the city. It was demons everywhere that looked at us and whispered about us. Everyone that stood in the way immediately got to the side down on one knee.

"Why are the demons going to the side?" Elizabeth asked.

"They are scared of me obviously." Escanor said.

Lyria turned around and said "No, not of you, but by Meliodas." And then she turned around again. They arrived at the castle and got inside.

"Father? I am home again, with Meliodas and some of his friends. They will help us." Lyria yelled.

"The failure of a son is back?! Didn't I tell you, you would come back? And you have some weaklings with you?" The demon kings voice says.

"I am only here to help Lyria and Zeldoris and they are not weaklings!" I yelled. The demon king come from nowhere to behind. Everyone turned around.

"This weaklings aren't even able to kill a vampire!" The demon king says.

"They just need more training!" I said.

"I will train them!" The demon king said.

"That was what I was thinking." I said. The demon king sees Elizabeth.

"You even have that worthless, dumb goddess with you!" The demon king says.

"I will get rid of her for you!" The demon king says while is about to kill her. I attacked him.

"You aren't touching them before their training and you aren't touching Elizabeth anytime, she aren't going to train!" I screamed at him.

"The training starts now!" The demon king says and teleports everyone to a training room.

"You all will start with 1 000 000 push-ups and sit-ups!" The demon king says.

"Are you serious?!" Ban asked. The demon king slapped Ban and I runs up to him.

"This is just the basics, Meliodas did it when he was 3 years old!" The demon king yelled. I helped Ban up.

"Are you okay?" I asked Ban.

"That hurt like hell!" Ban answered. The demon king slapped me too but so I was flying in to the wall.

"Don't help them! You failure of a son!" The demon king yelled.

"You can't say what I will and will not do!" I yelled back.

"It's enough for today, your room is still like it was!" The demon king said and disappeared. Everyone ran to me and helped me up.

"Thanks!" I said and deactivated my demon powers.

"Your father is a jerk." Escanor said.

"Yeah, we should go up to my room and rest." I said. They followed me to my room and we got in. In the room it was weapons hanging on the wall. A big bed and a big closet with my old clothes. My armour was on a dead vampire body without a head. There was hanging a head on the door.

"Y-your r-room is a little s-scary." Diane said when she looked around.

"Sorry about that." I said.

"I will go and look after Zeldoris, you stay here and rest." I said and then I started walk to Zeldoris.

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