Father VS Son

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-King's POV-

Captain turned to see Elizabeth. We others just looked at the Captain as his eyes started turn green.

"Ha! What did I say? You are weak! Emotions are weak!" The demon King yelled. Captain's eyes got black again while he turned around.

"Will you ever shut up?!" Captain yelled his question.

"I am the King, I do whatever I want." The demon King says proudly.

"That's it!" Captain yelled. He held out his hand and a big axe like sword that was bigger than himself come flying to him. Captain catched it with one hand and pointed it at the demon King.

"If you say one more world about my friends, me or anything else linked to me, I promise I will end your life without hesitation!" Captain yelled.

"And why should I listen to a failure like you?" The demon King asked with a dark voice like always.

"Even if I am a failure, I am still the heir to the throne! And I can promise that who ever if it is Zeldoris or Lyria or even Estarossa they would be a much better leader than you!" Captain yelled. Then I heard Zeldoris whisper to Lyria.

"Should we stop him before he actually kills father? I mean, if he kills father, he doesn't have a choice to be king." Zeldoris whispered.

"Yeah, we should." Lyria whispered.

"What do you mean by he doesn't have a choice?" I asked them with a whisper.

"If Meliodas kills father, he will become the new king. It is a law that the oldest son or daughter will be the heir to the throne until he or she dies." Lyria explained to me.

"Yeah and Meliodas doesn't know about that law because the most of demons have forgotten, now you can only find it in old books that are over 3 000 years old." Zeldoris said.

"But I think Meliodas would be a great king! The second demon king, Meliodas." Lyria said.

"So, shouldn't we stop him, because he is about to slice father neck now." Zeldoris whispered. I looked around to see the Captain stand on top of the demon king with Captain's sword to the demon kings neck. Then I saw Merlin appear in front of the Captain.

-Elizabeth's POV-

I was running to sir Meliodas when he stood on the demon king. Then I saw lady Merlin appear in front of him.

"Captain, do you really want to be king?" Lady Merlin asked.

"No, I have never wanted that." He answered. That shocked every sin except lady Merlin.

"Then you can't kill your father." Lady Merlin spoke.

"Why not?" Sir Meliodas asked.

"Ha ha ha, haven't you studied the laws? It's the first born in the royal family that is going to be king until he  dies." The demon king says. Than sir Meliodas jumped of him while Merlin teleported her to the other sins.

"Okay, I will not kill you. This time." Sir Meliodas spoke and walked away from the room. Everyone except lady Merlin and sir Meliodas family was confused. I just stood still.

"You six start training now! You will continue from where you were!" The demon King yelled. Everyone did as told than sir Meliodas father looked at me.

"Take out that goddess thing out of here. I don't want to see something that disgusting!" The demon King said pointing at me. I was about to cry, I started running to sir Meliodas room crying.

When I was outside of the room, I opened the door, walked in, closed it and slide down the door onto the floor, crying. Than I heard footsteps, but ignored them.

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