Day off

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-Meliodas POV-

"Come in." I said. Lyria, Zeldoris and Estarossa stepped in.

"Hey, okay if we are here?" Estarossa asked. I looked at the sins that nodded.

"Yes, but don't you still have training?" I asked.

"No, tomorrow is our day off. It starts from now." Zeldoris said.

"When was it that you had your last day off?" Ban asked.

"I think it was about 3 000 years ago." Lyria said.

"Anyway, Meliodas? I was wondering one thing. Will you ever come back to the demon realm? I mean before you become king." Estarossa asked. The sins looked a little worried.

"No, I don't think so." I responded. The sins looked a little easier.

"Why not? We are gonna miss you." Lyria said.

"You mean you are gonna miss his friends?" Zeldoris asked.

"That's true, I will miss them much more." Lyria said.

"Hey, that hurt my feelings!" I joked.

"Since when have you had feelings?" Estarossa asked.

"Since when did you start try to copy me?" I asked. Then Lyria and my brothers started laughing with me, Merlin laughed too.

"I don't understand." Diane said.

"You won't understand if you haven't known the Captain since 3 000 years back." Merlin said.

"Is that why I don't understand either?" King asked. I nodded.

"Anyway? Have you tasted icecream?" Lyria asked. All the sins and Elizabeth shook their heads except me.

"What?! How have you not tasted icecream?!" Zeldoris and Estarossa asked shocked at the same time.

"Icecream doesn't exist at the earth." I said.

"Wow, the earth sucks. I don't think want I to go there anymore." Zeldoris said.

"Sorry, but what is icecream?" Elizabeth asked.

"Okay, this is serious, you need to taste icecream!" Estarossa said.

"I will go and fix it." I said a little annoyed and walked away.

-Elizabeth's POV-

Sir Meliodas walked away to get icecream while we others talked.

"So Elizabeth? How has it been those past 3 000 years with Meliodas? I bet he was annoying. " Sir Estarossa spoke.

"3 000 years? What are you talking about sir Estarossa?" I asked.

"She doesn't remember! Her curse! Remember?!" Sir Zeldoris said and smacked sir Estarossa's head.

"Sorry, I forgot." Sir Estarossa apologized.

"What are ya talking about?" Sir Ban asked.

"The looong version or short?" Sir Estarossa asked.

"Short please." I answered.

"Okay, to put it simple, you are a goddess. You are the Supreme dirty's daughter and goddess of life. You is Meliodas lover as well as Meliodas is yours, or has been the past 3 000 years. You have a curse that when you die you will be reincarnated as a human, but without your memories from the past ones." Zeldoris spoke.

"It is much more complicated and details too, but it will make it much longer to explained." Lyria said.

"Like what?" Sir King asked.

"Like, if you remember your past lives, you will die in three days." Sir Estarossa explained.

"It sounds similar." Lady Diane said.

"They are known as the cursed lovers if it is that you mean Diane." Lady Merlin spoke.

"Oh, right, that was what I was thi... wait Captain and Elizabeth are?!" Lady Diane yelled the last thing. Then it knocked on the door.

"Icecream is here." Sir Meliodas said while I opened the door.

"Please stand in a line while I give you your icecreams." Sir Meliodas said, everyone stood in the line. One after one got an ice cream. Then it was my turn.

"Here, my lady." Sir Meliodas said while giving me the icecream. It had two balls, one white and one brown.

"Hope you like it Elizabeth." Sir Meliodas then spoke. I nodded and walked to sit down. We all had eaten about the whole icecream when we hear yelling.

"MELIODAS! COME HERE RIGHT NOW!" His father yelled. Sir Meliodas sighed, activated his powers and walked away.

"Wonder what he wants." Sir Estarossa said.

"Let's stalk him!" Lady Lyria and sir Zeldoris said at the same time, looking at each other. Then they stood up.

"I am coming with you." Sir Estarossa said and stood up. We all nodded at each other and stood up, knowing what the others was thinking.

"We will go too." Lady Diane said. We all walked after sir Meliodas, but in an distance. He stopped in the throne room. We all was on the other side of the door and listened.

"Meliodas! You will be the next demon King and you know it!" His father said harsh.

"NO! I won't! I will never be!" Sir Meliodas said harsh back.

"You will! You just don't want to because of that goddess that has brainwashed you!" The demon king says.


"I think we should go now." Sir Estarossa said worried. Everyone nodded. We had walked some steps before the door slam open.

"Sir Meliodas?" I asked.

"We are leaving!" Sir Meliodas said harsh. He was burning with black flames.

"Captain?" Sir Ban asked and touched his shoulder, but then he started to burn too.

"AH! WHAT THE HELL?!" Sir Ban yelled.

"What is it Ban?" King asked.

"IT WON'T STOP AND IT HURTS MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE BEFORE!" Sir Ban yelled. Then sir Zeldoris snapped with his fingers.

"Seriously? You should know better than to not contact a angry demon at any way, touch, speak, even look at one. Especially Meliodas, I wonder why you aren't dead yet." Sir Zeldoris spoke.

"I haven't heard father either." Lady Lyria whispered.

"I need to know what happened in there." Sir Estarossa said. Then we all walked to look what had happened and everyone froze in horror.

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