Story about our love

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-Elizabeth's POV-

Sir Meliodas kissed me. When we broke apart we looked deep in each other's eyes.

"I love you Elizabeth." Sir Meliodas said. My face got warmer.

"I love you too." I said. Then sir Meliodas pulled me in another kiss, but it broke as soon as we heard knocking on the door.

"Captain! You need to see your brothers and sister." King said.

"I will come in 5 minutes, go there before" sir Meliodas said. Then we heard the footsteps walk away. Then Meliodas looked at me.

"Elizabeth? Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Sir Meliodas asked.

"Yes!" I said and hugged him.

. . . . .

"And that's how me and your daddy meet." I explained to Tristan.

"But how did it go after when daddy needed to talk to his siblings? How did you be queen and king when daddy didn't want to? What more adventure did you go on?" Tristan asked.

"That is a story for another time, you need to go to bed. It's late and your birthday is tomorrow." I said.

"Okay. Good night!" Tristan said and then Meliodas walked in.

"Good night Tristan." I said and kissed his forehead. Then Meliodas walked up to Tristan.

"Good night." He said and gave Tristan a kiss on the forehead. Then we walked out, ready to go to bed too.

"Good night Meliodas." I said.

"Good night Elizabeth." Meliodas said and kissed my forehead when I had gotten in bed. Then he got in beside me.

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