Chapter 2 - Athena

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"Athena Sherlock Lauren Holmes you get over here and put on this dress!" Sherlock's mother placed her hands on her hips. On hand held the clothing hanger holding a simple yellow sundress. His mother sternly looked at Sherlock.
Sherlock stuck out his tongue and continued to play his violin. His mother sighed placing the hanger onto the young boy's bed.
"Athena sweetheart we are going out to dinner you need to wear something nice. Not your brother's hand me downs!" His mother placed a hand on his shoulder causing him to need to put down the instrument.
"I don't want to it feels gross!" Sherlock protested his mother. She was confused by this as she twirled his long dark hair.
"Nonsense 'Thena, the dress is just a simple piece of clothing!" His mother softly said trying not to be so stern on the 7 year old.
Sherlock brushed his mother's hand alway from his hair. And moved her hand off his shoulder and continued to play the instrument. His mother once again sighed leaving the room giving up trying to get him to wear the dress.

Sherlock spent his time reading. Often he has his face buried in a book and his long straight hair felt like dead weight pulling on his head. His greenish blue eyes scanned the pages of information. Sometimes he would steal Mycroft's textbooks and read them even though he was "too young" to understand the information.
Sometimes he would go down to the river nearby the house and take of his shoes and roll up his pants and stick his feet in the cold water and tie up the dead weight he carried on his head. He would then take a small sketchbook and sketch everything he saw. He would observe and come up with possible theories to what the "W + B" carved into the tree by the river stood for. He ended up coming to the conclusion it stood for "Warren + Bella".
Eventually he snuck out at night to go down to the river to enjoy the night sky and the environment around him. Occasionally he would bring his violin and quietly play as to not wake anybody up. Sometimes he would spend hours staring at the water's reflection. He pointed out everything he hated about his appearance and dwelled on this topic for hours until the sun started to come up and he rushed back home as to not be caught.
Eventually he took the kitchen scissors and cut at the long mane he wore. It became a boyish cut. The hair curled and it felt lighter on his head. His mother had a fit and his Father didn't think too much of it. Mycroft didn't care and was happy to lend Sherlock hand me downs and cut his hair. He understood what was happening with Sherlock before Sherlock did but kept it to himself and let the young boy discover what he was himself.
The last time Sherlock went to the river was a hot summer day in late August. He headed down to the stream and rolled his pants up and threw his shoes off and stuck his feet in the cool water. He sat down on a rock. This time the boy didn't bring out a small sketchbook or violin but instead he cried. The tears slipped from the boy's bluish green eyes. He let out muffled sobs as he covered his mouth to stop him from being too loud. The reason why he cried, was because he was to attend an all girls boarding school that September.

Hey everyone I hope you liked that chapter. If it isn't clear enough this is a flash back to when Sherlock was a kid. I kept Sherlock as his middle name as it is a bit androgynous and he states when saying goodbye to John in season 3 "Sherlock is actually a girls name" so I wanted to include that. I wanted to include two things that young me struggled with a lot and that was my hair length and wearing dresses and skirts. My hair was long and I hated it. I wanted to get a really short cut when I was in 4th grade my mom denied it but let me cut it halfway at my neck. That was until 7th grade and I asked her and she was like "yeah sure" which was weird but anyways. Also I wanted to include that my hair used to be straight and now it's really curly now that I cut it. And not to brag but my hair is perfect Sherlock hair except for the fact that it's a lighter brown. I wanted to include the same thing that when he cuts his hair it curls like what happened to me. I've never been a huge fan of skirts and dresses. I was able to wear them fine when I was younger it just felt gross and uncomfortable. And now I can barely wear them without feeling gross because they tend to make my curves and chest more noticeable which makes me really sad because dresses and skirts should be more androgynous and now I can barely wear them without wanting to throw up. Ok I'll go now.
- Umber

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