Chapter 8 - Cry for Help

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TW: sexual harassment and self harm

Sherlock sighed as he walked to his next class. The weight that had been lifted off of his chest by coming out to Ms. Jenkins made him overall much happier at night Ms. Jenkins would educate him on transgender stuff and possible surgeries and hormone therapy. It made him happy to find out that he could become what his body lacked to be.
He entered the classroom, the history teacher Mr. Laurens sat on his desk playing with the globe. When the bell finally rang and all the students were sat in their seats he began teaching. Sherlock already knew everyone the man was teaching, Mycroft was an excellent resource. He sat their thinking about when he would get top surgery and got uncomfortable the button down shirt felt outlining his body shape.
When the bell rang again and Sherlock was about to leave Mr. Laurens said with a slight smile "Ms. Holmes could you stay a after class for a bit I need to speak with you."
Sherlock felt his heart racing, had Mr. Laurens figures out his secret, or was the teacher giving him a future business opportunity. The possibilities raced through the young boy's head. When everyone left the room and Sherlock was just sitting in his seat the male teacher stood. He strolled over to Sherlock's desk and placed his hand on his shoulder stopping him from possibly trying to move. Then with his other hand he grabbed at Sherlock's breast. Sherlock mind raced as soon as the man's hand had gripped his breast.
"Sir please don't." Sherlock said calmly, he knew that he needed to stay calm. It's what Mycroft always taught him, to stay calm in dangerous situations, don't show weakness, and don't for the love of god let sentiment get the better of you.
The teacher only held it for a bit longer before letting go.
"You are dismissed." He stated, but as Sherlock got up the man grabbed his arm stopping him from leaving.
"You tell anyone, and you fail." He whispered in Sherlock's ear.

Failing. Sherlock was terrified of failing of making his brother and parents disappointed. He wanted to cry, on one hand he felt like a tumor was latched onto his chest where the man had put his hand but on the other hand the amount of disappointment terrified him. So he just nodded his head and he was left to leave. He left to the girls dormitory and went into his room. The room was clustered with experiments that Ms. Jenkins helped sneak into his room, books lying on the floor, his violin on his desk chair, and his window partially open. He curled up on his bed and cried. His breathing went fast and his fingers fumbled for anything he grabbed something shiny. A shard of glass from when he broke part of the window when sneaking onto the roof one night. He gripped the knife and lifted his skirt. In a panic he cut at his thigh. A red line appeared as he dragged the blade. All he could focus on was the pain and the red flowing down his thigh.

The next 2 months passed by slowly. Sherlock always rushed out of the classroom with the other students before Mr. Laurens noticed. He curled up in his bed every night even ignoring Ms. Jenkins. The blade he tore across his skin made him feel something other than the pain of sentiment. He knew Ms. Jenkins knew something was wrong, that the boy who would sit on the roof and admire the stars no longer made any attempt to do so, who hide in their room under their blankets.
Eventually she managed to send him a note. Sherlock held the note and read: "meet me in my office tonight, this ain't an option you must come.
- Ms. August Jenkins"
Sherlock gripped the note in his hand. He would be forced to go and most likely he would be bombarded by questions. When the sky was finally dark and lit by stars Sherlock climbed out of the window and to Ms. Jenkins' office.

"Sherlock, how are you?!" She smiled brightly. They had both agreed to call him for now by one of his middle names mainly because it could be used for either gender. He tried to forge a smile on his face but failed.
"I'm doing good..." he replied. The woman stopped smiling and walked over to the young boy.
"Sherlock, something is obviously wrong, your behavior is unusual for you." She brushes his curls back with her hand. He pushed the teacher's hand away, and looked down. He wanted to cry and tell her but he would fail, he would be a disappointment.

He was a disappointment.

He let out a sob his hand covering his face. Ms. Jenkins wrapped her kind arms around him, she swayed rocking him back and forth. She rubbed circles on his back as he sobbed.
"Shhh shhh it's ok, shhh it's ok. You can tell me anything." She said softly to the distressed student.
"Mr. Lau- Mr. Laurens h-he touched m-my chest and said if I to-told anyone h-he wou-would fail me..." Sherlock cried. Ms. Jenkins felt a surge of rage towards the history teacher, but continued to comfort Sherlock.
When he managed to get ahold of himself a bit better she decided to ask him "Sherlock, sweetheart did you in anyway shape or form harm or hurt yourself in anyway, Lack of eating, self harm, etc.?"
He froze for a minute he was silent. He trembling and nodded slowly. Ms. Jenkins felt her heart melt as he nodded. This student who had done nothing wrong had to deal with this.
"Can you show me?" She asked calmly. He nodded again, and she let him sit in a chair. He pulled up the baggy sweatpants he currently wore and revealed the scars spin his skin. Some still a fresh pink.
Ms. Jenkins quickly fetched bandages and started to tend to the wounds. When she finished she looked up at Sherlock.
"If those bandages are tampered in any way Sherlock I will see and I will know. Do not tamper with them."
Sherlock spent the rest of that night being held in the teacher's arms, many tears were shed.

Hello everyone. I hope that y'all are doing well. I wanted Sherlock to face some sexual harassment because apparently one in two trans people have been sexually assaulted or abused in some wya which is heart breaking and not enough people know about it. I'd also wanted to make it a teacher because I wanted a good role model for a teacher and a bad one. I also made Sherlock self harm because apparently 13-45% trans people self harm which again is heart breaking and this needs to be talked about more. I am thankfully not part of any of these statistics but I want people to be aware how alarming these statistics are. I know this was a long chapter but I wanted to fit everything in. Also sorry for being a bit slow on updates I've been working at my barn a lot and it kinda burns me out. I hope everyone is good and enjoying there summer.
- Umber

Mirrors and Shatters - Johnlock - Trans!Sherlock x John - Sherlock bbcWhere stories live. Discover now