Chapter 11 - Lotus

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TW: Self harm mention

Sherlock groaned, John was leaving for work again. As John got up from the covers Sherlock cling to him trying to force his fiancé back into bed. John pulled away however.
"Sherlock I have to go to work." John said sitting on the edge on the bed after using the bathroom.
"Work is boring." Sherlock groaned. John softly kissed Sherlock. It was sweet and short for a morning kiss. John soon left after showering, getting dressed, and eating.
Sherlock got up and padded to the bathroom. He smiled to see the small hickey on his shoulder from last night in the mirror.
He hated showering but he had to do it. Undressing and looking at that body in the mirror made him want to puke. The testosterone and top surgery helped a bit but he could still see the curves he could still see his lower half which made him angry. He saw the old battle wounds on his thigh. He ran a finger over them. They were old and fading, a fresh cut hadn't been on his flesh in ages. He climbed into the shower and let the water pour over him. The hot water felt nice on his skin. He tended to bath in scorching hot water, it helped him stay away from cutting. It was something Mycroft told him to do and it worked well.
He climbed out pulled on his robes and walked out into the living room.

It was now the evening and John would be home soon. Sherlock sighed, realizing he hadn't given himself a testosterone shot in 8 months. These past months had been busy but he didn't think he would ever forget. He walked to the bathroom only to find he's been out of T for a while. Most likely to how he had forgotten was he didn't have time to get more and forgot over time. John soon came home to Sherlock's joy.
He had a blanket in his arm holding something. Sherlock soon looked at the scratches on John's arms. They weren't deep or at all in perfect lines so not self inflicted. They was some fur on his pant leg from something small and fluffy rubbing on him. Most likely he had interacted with a small black kitten judging by the scratches on his arm and the fur on his pant leg.
"You got a black kitten?" Sherlock said as John got closer to Sherlock. John smiled and nodded. Revealing the kitten, a jet black Japanese bobtail with yellow eyes and a white paw and white stripe down their face.
"I wanted something that could be with you while I was at work. And conveniently I found this little guy in an alleyway and took him home." John said giving Sherlock one of the bags that he was holding. Inside there was cat food, water and food dishes, treats, a cat toy, collar, and a small cat bed.
The two got to work setting up the kittens new home giving them food, water, outing the bed on the couch. The cat seemed to snuggle up to Sherlock a lot and hiss at John which made them giggle.
"Lastly we need a name for her." John said putting his hands on his hips.
"I was thinking Lotus because of The Blind Banker. You know she's a black cat, the black Lotus." John suggested. Sherlock nodded and agreed to John. Sherlock was sitting in his chair with Lotus on his chest purring happily. Sherlock happily let the kitten and it made John smile to himself.
That evening was nice and homely, it was a perfect evening.

Y'all I gave them a cat! This cat is my dream cat, I really want a black Japanese Bobtail cat named Lotus. But just to clear it up it's not because they are a Japanese Bobtail, the Black Lotus was from China. I just like that breed and I think Lotus is a witty name.
One thing that I mentioned in this chapter was Sherlock undressing in front of the mirror in his bathroom. Because I have to go to my stable I have to take a shower as soon as I get home because of the pandemic. And because it's impossible to avoid those damn mirrors I feel really dysphoric when doing that so yeah. I hope y'all are doing good!
- Umber


Mirrors and Shatters - Johnlock - Trans!Sherlock x John - Sherlock bbcWhere stories live. Discover now