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Toxic thoughts+ language warning. Its not bad at all but I figured I would put this here. Love you guys.

(Grian's PoV)

Grian's heart sank hearing those words from Mumbo. Scar's gone. Scar's gone. Scar's gone. They echoed. During those many hours seemingly alone, the blonde had convinced himself that everything's fine. He would be his own hero. No cost. The wells he had built had reached their limit, watching the unhindged door sway ever-so slightly. Unless he was in his house, there was little hope left.

"No, this can't be." Grian said, expression dimming dramtically from the few seconds ago. The two hobbled into the house, listening for the missing friend. Grian sat Mumbo on the couch, while he sped off searching the corridors of the building. Frantically searching, he asked himself, "He couldn't have gone far, right? It was only this morning when we left,"

Grian tore apart his house looking up and down, and behind every door.  Wading down the last hall, he saw no sight of the zombified man. Then the realization happened. He slowly broke to his knees, grasping his head in his hands. "This is all my fault!" He admitted to the empty room, sobbing. "This is all my fault." Repeating the phrase quieter. He was at the bottom.

"G?" It came from around the corner of the room.

"Mumbo," Grian turned around, still covering hs eyes with his tear-stained sweater sleeves. "We need to go find him, now."

"Grian," He sighed.

"C'mon Mumbo," He stood up shakily and grabbed his arm. "Lets go." He sniffled an pulled the other man along. "Our stuff is still packed we should be-"

"Grian," He raised his voice at him. "Look at us, we look terrible. Worn out, sweaty, and disgusting." Mumbo turned Grian around to look at him around the darkening atmosphere. "Finding our friend is at my number one priority, but I don't think I have the strength."

"I can still go by myself." He huffed.

"I-" Mumbo looked at him in the eyes. "Look, Scar is strong, even as a zombie. I know for a fact. If he managed to escape at daytime, he's still sharp." Grian looked away from him, unresponsive. "3 hours before daybreak, we head out together. Yes?"

"Okay." Grian muttered.

"Okay, I'm going to head over to my house if that's fine?" The other nodded. Mumbo gave him a small hug then climbed into an empty minecart on the message system tracks. "I'll come over in the morning."

"Bye," Grian turned around after watching the other ride into the distance.

Going to his bedroom, he immediately collapsed onto his bed, face first. Grian was angry that he felt powerless. His brain couldn't leave him alone. Every train of thought leads back to the center point, Scar's gone. Grian was exhausted both metally and phisically, yet he still couldn't sleep. He lifted himself off of the bed and down the stairs.

Wandering into the kitchen, he grabbed an empty cup and filled it. The cup was cold, just like his weak hands and body.

Grian wiped his face and continued, mindlessly roaming the halls of the warm-brown house.

He sat down at his desk. A familiar place, sometimes a happy one. Maybe writing will help me.

'Dear journal, Today was a shit-tastic day. I have to live with causing the whole goddammed apocalypse and killing all my friends.'

His pen lines were dark. What is even the point of doing this?

'I dont know if I want to go on like this. To wait, I mean. But Im *so* stupid, why do I even try. I always ruin everything.'

Holding his head in both hands again, a few tears bled into the mostly empty page. Eventually, he grew too exhaused, and fell asleep in the wooden desk chair, laying in messy papers.

(Iskall's PoV)

"You're right, that sunset was gorgeous," Stress mentioned.

"Yeah, I haven't seen one that good in awhile." Iskall giggled softly. He repostioned his hands, moving down from the roof of one if Stress' unfinished brewery houses. He held out a hand for her.

"Here we go." She said, arriving in the ground.

"Thank for inviting me again, Stress." Iskall admired her base, and smiled "This was wonderful,"

"Any time-" Stress smiled, shortly after stopping. "Oh, is that what I think it is?" She turned her attention to a small grey and white cat peaking out of the bushes. Iskall looked also. "Come here baby!" She said, opening her arms and getting closer to the ground. The cat only stared.

Something's off about that cat. Iskall thought. It had deep black eyes, darker than space. Stress took a step closer and the animal fled back from where it came. She stood up.

"Well, that was weird." She added. "Oh- well." Her voice dropped at the end of the sentence.

"God, what is this?" Iskall took a step back. In front of them, a man with a destinctive outfit, purple and gold, surrounded by around 14 angry cats. The figure stroked the grey one from earlier. Slowly he let the cat jump to the ground. It lurked toward them. The pair were subconciously backing away. With the snap of his fingers, a few of the cats charge after them.

"Run!" Iskall shouts. The pair scatter. They both sprint as fast as possible, only looking back when certain.
Suddenly, the mysterious grey and white cat grasps onto Stress' leg, causing her to scream in suprise.

Iskall runs over to her and shoves the beast off with his leg."I got you!" It retaliates and bites him, tripping the man over.

"Iskall!" Stress frantically yells.

"Stress-" He struggles, more animals catching up. "Just run-"



ooh we cookin with gas now >:)
cya guys <3

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