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Mumbo awoke from sleeping as one would when they fall in a dream.
Wow, my head. He thought, lifting one frail hand.

Grian, who was previously standing outside, came toward his sudden noise. "Good morning, Mumby," He said, though it was late afternoon. "How, um, do you feel?"

He laughed about Grian's silly nickname in his head. "I feel gross but I'm sill alive." He cleared his throat.

Grian handed him the now empty potion bottle filled with water. "That's good." Mumbo took a few sips while the warm sunlight flickered over him. "I'm glad you got to sleep for awhile."

"How long was I out for? It only felt like an instant."

"I dunno, maybe 3 hours?"

"3 hours, Grian?" Mumbo glanced over at the blonde boy in the doorway. "Wow, what did you do while I was asleep?"

"Uhm, I just watched you and waited for you to wake up."

"You watched me while I was sleeping?" Mumbo laughed.

"No! Well, not like that." Grian's face lit up. "Lets just head home, I'm tired of this stupid shack." He held out a hand and threw the backpack on his shoulders.

"Whatever you say." Mumbo scoffed, grabbing his hand. He was still weak from the potion, so he used Grian was a crutch. Haha, He's the perfect hight.

Leading the other out of the plaza, Grian started the well-known path home. Birds chirped, leaves swayed in the warm jungle breeze. Other than being insanely humid, it felt perfect ouside. Grian sighed. "Im so glad we're done now," reviewing his thoughts out loud, "We can go home and Scar will be waiting for us in the closet."

"That sounds funny." Mumbo said back to him.

"Oh, my god, you're an idiot." Grian laughed. "I can't talk apparently." They slowly kept moving, a comfortable silence between each topic.

"So, what did it feel like to get bitten?" The blonde boy asked.

"Well," Mumbo thought. "Its kind of like a high fever but you're paranoid all the time. Putting it simply."

"Huh," Grian returned. "That seems accurate."

"I would think so." He hummed. Shortly after, Mumbo thought of something funny to ask Grian next after giving it a few seconds. "What does it feel like being a simp?"

It took him a moment to process. "A simp? I- That's stupid." He giggled.

"Well, you are. You literally couldn't leave me." He smugly smiled at him.

"It would have been rude! Ugh," He rolled his eyes and got an idea of his own. "Actually no, I bet I can leave you." He loosed his arm that was around Mumbo's side, supporting him, stepping in front of the two. "Bet I can beat you to my house!"

"Wait! No!" He yelled laughing while the other boy started walking backward.

"See you Mumbo! I'm not a simp!" He waved at him, still walking backward. Still faster than Mumbo could walk on his own.

"Grian wait! I'll take it back, no!"

"Not until you admit you're the simp!" He yelled back from about 150 feet away.

"I was joking," He whined, "Now come help me, I can barely walk,"

"Say the words, Mumbo!"

Ugh, Grian I hate you. But fine. "I am a simp." He said, loud enough for him to be pleased. "Is that good enough for you?"

Walking back with the stupidest grin, Grian replied. "Yes, perfect." He wrapped his arms around the taller boy again. "C'mon we're almost there."

After that it was pretty quiet between the two. Normally, Mumbo would bother Grian about sending too many messages or always wanting him around, but he was suprised when he had a comeback, for sure.

Nearing Grian's front yard, Mumbo focused inside. Is that? The closet visible from the outside. One of its hinges busted. He knew what was about to come next. Right after they found peace again. "Grian," He waited for his response.

"Yeah?" Grian smiled up at him. His eyes twinkled in the gold sunshine.

"Scar's gone."

smh i dont know what this
chapter is but at least i updated?
this turned into a grumbo/ idiot circus chapter thing. I never talk to people i wouldnt know,, lemme know if its thaT bad >_>

have a good day you muffins

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