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Loud knocking on my door woke me up in a jolt.
Or should I say the foster cares door.

I was brought here by LAPD after my dad was finally arrested for the years of.. never mind that.

"Addison, someone's here to take care of you. Ten minutes." Mistress said quickly and coldly, throwing a black trash bag towards me before slamming the door, causing me to jump slightly.

     "Thanks.."  I mutter sarcastically, rubbing my eyes, stretching and yawning.
      A twinge in my lower back causes me to tear up and almost let out a cry.

      They'll know you're weak.

    I sigh and turn, letting my bare feet hit the cold hard wood floor.
I hiss through my teeth, the cold surface hurting my toes slightly.

     Picking up the bag, I turn around and begin throwing the few belongings I have into it.
Shirts, underwear, pants, shoes, hygiene, tampons..

     Just about to leave, I turn around to make sure I didn't leave anything.

     "Oh- Jupiter!" I say, reaching as I walk quickly across the room to grab the stuffed rabbit my mom left me.
She died when I was born. She had leukemia, but got pregnant anyways. I never knew her, but I always imagine how she possibly used to look.

I hold it tightly for a few moments, before my few minutes of peace are broken by my door being slammed open.

     I gasp, and quickly slip my slippers on, stuffing Jupiter into my bag as I turn to face Mistress.

"18 year olds should not have toys!"

"You better have everything, because you're not coming back." She hisses as she grabs a tight hold on my wrist and begins dragging me down the hall.

I've been brought back multiple times due to my nightmares.
"We can't sleep with her screaming at night."
"How are you going to give me a girl that's traumatized?!"
"I don't have time for this."

Don't have an episode. Don't let them see you're weak.

I stay silent, my eyes down. The one way of showing respect I was always taught when meeting new people.
I had quickly learned if I look any authoritative figure in the face, I get yelled at or beat.

"Hey, Addison," a soft voice coos as we round the corner.
My heart almost lurches at the gentle tone.
Everyone's always talked to me with harsh words or tone.
Don't trust him.

"Hello, sir." I say, stepping forward, both hands gripping the trash bag shut now, since Mistress had let go of my wrist.
Stuttering is a sign of weakness.

"I'm Shaun, it's nice to meet you." He says, holding a hand out, smiling warmly.

I smile back softly, avoiding looking him in the face.
You're doing good.
I extend my arm, taking his hand in mine and shaking it slightly before quickly retracting it.

"Okay, now shoo. I have other appointments soon and you're keeping me held up." She spits.

Shaun apologizes briefly, although I knew she was mainly talking to me.
Mistress never liked me. From the moment I walked in, she had a sour look on her face, lips pursed together, eyes narrowed, and arms crossed.

I turn and follow suit quickly, my head down.

"So," Shaun says as he slows his pace to walk beside me towards his car and looks at me, shoving his hands into his coat pockets.
"Tell me about yourself."

That's the question I always dread.
Don't tell him about your parents and past fosters.

My shoulders slump slightly.
There's not much to tell.

"Well assuming you know my name.. obviously, and age." I start softly.
"I like art. Singing sometimes, also writing." I say as we come up to his car.
It's a blue Jeep.
"I also like reading-" I say, cutting my sentence off as he opens the door for me.

"Thank you," I say, glancing at his face for a split second.
I quickly drop my gaze to my feet and walk up to the Jeep, before getting up into the passenger seat.
My heart is pounding. It's okay. Just don't flinch when he gets in the car.

Shaun shuts the door, and walks around to the drivers side.
While he's passing the front of the car, I get a good look at his face.

He's... young? Not super young but not the age that a father would be looking for a daughter or anything.

He looks to be about 24, his hair short, but not quite to a buzz cut, and what looks like stubble along his jaw.

I look down before he catches me totally not admiring his appearance.

He gets into the car and starts it up, looking behind him as he pulls out from the parking spot.
"I know what you're thinking; everyone thinks it. I'm a little young to be fostering,"

My heart jumps slightly. He knows I was looking at him.
"Y-yeah, um, how old are you?" I ask, immediately regretting my question as he looks over at me, then back to the road he had begun driving down.

"That's not an uncommon question," he chuckles.
"I'm 26, since August."

It's September now, nearly October. My birth month.

I nod lightly, trying to stay as quiet as possible.
I don't want this one to bring me back.

"I gotta let you know though," he says as he turns into a residential neighborhood.
"I've had people ask me to bring them back, because I didn't let them know before. Probably should've let you know before we got back,"

My heart sinks to the pit of my stomach, and suddenly I feel sick.

"I have some roommates," he says, turning into a driveway of a tall, light blue two story house with a two car garage.
Once he's in the driveway, he throws the car into park and shutting it off before looking at me.

I nod slightly.
I don't care. I just want to belong somewhere.

"Two other guys, Jace and Karl, and one girl, Karl's girlfriend, Jennifer."

That must be her car then- there's a red Mazda parked along the curb to the left of the driveway, the plates reading 'JNIFR'.

"You ready?" He asks, looking over at me.

I smile softly, nodding in the process.
"As I'll ever be,"

A grin quickly spread across his face.
"Let's go, I can't wait for you to meet them."

Here goes nothing.

Abused FosterWhere stories live. Discover now