Chapter 9

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"Get the fuck out of my apartment right now Itachi. I am not in the fucking mood to play one of your games, and I sure as hell don't want to talk about Kakashi with you," Akari growled out, and Itachi just laughed.

"Careful Akari. We don't want another injury on that pretty little body of yours now do we?" He taunted her, knowing he would get a reaction. Akari gripped onto a kunai she had unconsciously pulled out of her pouch.

"I'd also like you to think about the fact that it's just you and me right now. You don't have your prince to come and save you," Itachi said as he made his was over to where Akari was standing. He towered over her as she backed away from him, which led her directly into a wall. He took the opportunity to place one hand on the wall next to her head. She refused to look in his eyes, afraid he'd use the sharingan on her. He scoffed and grabbed her by the neck and forced her to look into his eyes. They were the same eyes she had fallen in love with years ago. It maddened her that they were now the eyes she had started to hate.

"It's rude to not make eye contact with someone when they're talking to you," he scolded her mockingly, and she brought her kunai up to his neck, pressing it tightly on his neck as her eyes burned with pure fury.

"It's rude to put a hand on a girls neck if she hasn't asked for it," she said lowly, and he smirked at her as he felt the kunai start to draw blood. Akari noticed it too, and once she saw the bright right droplet drop from the tip of her kunai, her heart dropped. She knew if she had actually drawn Itachi's blood, there would be hell to pay. He clearly felt the cut grow in size, so he yanked the kunai out of her hand and slammed his hand back onto her throat, squeezing ever so lightly just to remind Akari that she couldn't hurt him. It infuriated her.

"I'm disappointed Akari. I had heard all about how as you rose through the ranks you had become more and more emotionless. Where did that calm facade go?" He sneered, and with that she lost her temper. She grabbed his wrist and twisted it to the side. At the same time, she swept her right leg under his own legs, causing him to fall down to the ground flat on his back. She jumped onto him, with one of his wrists in her hand as she held it down, and her other hand holding another kunai to his neck.

"You don't know ANYTHING about me. Don't try to act like you do either," she said with intense anger flowing through her veins. She could tell he was trying to get under her skin, yet she couldn't help but get mad with him.

"I quite like this position you know. I mean you below me would be fantastic, but this is a good second best, but this is still good," he smirked as he spoke.

"What the hell do you want with me Uchiha?" She spat out, and he chuckled at her.

"Back to last name basis? I liked it so much better hearing my first name come out of your mouth, but preferably in be-"

"If you don't shut up I'm going to slit your throat right here right now," she said, and with that he took action against the girl above him. He grabbed her arm and flipped her over him and onto her back. She groaned as her right arm suddenly started throbbing painfully, but couldn't do anything as Itachi made his way on top of her, digging his knee into her injured arm in the process. She let out a strangled cry of pain.

"Itachi please!" She pleaded, and he finally eased up the pressure a little bit. He leaned down and whispered into her ear.

"Don't forget that you have no power here. I'm in charge, and I have been from the start. I want you for reasons you'll understand once you learn more about your family heritage. I may not come for you in the next weeks or even months, but you'll eventually be mine Akari, and there's no way you can stop it. You think I'm bad? Wait till you meet my friends. You'll be surprised to see how gentle I've been with you," he whispered with such a force that she could barely take a breath to try and calm herself down.

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