Chapter 13

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As soon as Kakashi was out of the hospital he stormed towards the Hokage's office. He needed to save Akari. His heart was heavy with worry and fear for her life as he walked. All of his friends could see the stress he was dealing with, and they knew Akari was more than a friend to him. He rushed into the building and slammed his fist on the Hokage's office door multiple times before barging in without waiting for a response. He looked up from his papers and stared at Kakashi in shock.

"Kakashi, have you heard of knocking and waiting for someone to answer?" The Hokage questioned him, but Kakashi just brushed off his question.

"We need to send out a search party for Akari," he said frantically. The older man sighed and stared at Kakashi, his one eye visible wide and filled with worry, which contradicted his normal put together self.

"Kakashi we sent tracker ninja to follow Itachi, but the trail went cold a few miles out of the village. We have no idea where he could have taken her," the Hokage responded, his voice tired and laced with well hidden pain. The silver haired jounin just stared in shock at his leader in front of him. His ears started ringing violently and his vision blurred tremendously. He could hear the Hokage speak again, but he couldn't make sense of it. He simply turned around and walked slowly out of the room, the Hokage calling out to him. Kakashi just ignored him and walked out of his office. He stopped at the top of the steps and lifted up his headband to expose his sharingan before dashing off to the forrest.

Once he was far away enough from the Hokage's office, he let out a strangled scream and punched straight through a tree, not even noticing the pain. He let out more frustrated yells as he destroyed the land in front of him, punching and kicking blindly. He sent out destructive jutsus left and right, Akari's face branded in his mind as a constant reminder that he had failed.

After an hour of completely decimating the forrest in front of him, he slumped down against a tree, letting out a long breath. He was breathing heavily from using so much chakra, but he didn't care. Akari was gone, and he had no idea where she was.

He sat there for a few minutes, before deciding to speak up to the familiar chakra presence behind him.

"How long have you been sitting there Uchiha?" He asked, trying to keep the rage from slipping into his voice. If he wanted any information out of him, he would have to remain calm. Itachi fed off of people's hate and fear, and he wouldn't give him any.

"Long enough. You sure did a lot of damage," he replied monotonously. Kakashi stood and turned towards the man, keeping his eyes planted on him. Itachi looked calm and composed as always, and inside Kakashi was boiling with red hot anger at his tranquil appearance.

"Have you just come to taunt or is there any specific reason you're here?" Kakashi managed to keep his voice level, but Itachi could still see the fury in his eyes.

"I'm sure you have no clue where Akari is, given if you did you would already be chasing down that lead," Itachi replied, ignoring Kakashi's question. At that, Kakashi took a deep breath to remain as calm as possible so he didn't kill the boy in front of him.

"Answer my question or I am leaving," Kakashi threatened, his eyes trained on him.

"I have come to tell you to not look for Akari. She will eventually find her way back to you, but not in the way you want. If you try to interfere with what I'm doing, I'll start killing everyone close to her. Once they're all dead, I'll let you watch as she slowly does what I tell her to do, then kill her in front of you once I am done with her. You will get to spend the rest of your life knowing you are the reason for her death," Itachi finished, his face straight the entire time. Kakashi's eyes widened and his fists clenched tightly at his sides. He stayed quiet, for he knew if he spoke he would lose his cool. He was just barely holding onto it, fearful that Itachi knew this and would take advantage of it. He glared at Itachi, and Itachi just glared right back.

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