Getting the invite

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(Tony's pov)
I lift my phobe to my face, the bright light illuminating as i open the notification for the message app. I read the messages that have been sent from the other members that were already living in the hype house, which my brother and i was just invited to. I was up all night checking their Instagram accounts. Except for Ryland storms and Nick Austin's accounts, which i was getting ready to do. I started scrolling through rylands first. Hmm seems kinda basic but cool. Tapping the follow button after a few minutes of scrollong through his feed. Next i went to Nick's account starting to scroll through his post.... He looked like a sweetheart, but also kinda like a flirt. He's always talking about being single and wanting to fall in love. He never really said a girlfriend, but by the looks of it i would assume he's straight. He kinda hot though. No no no. You just saw his account. Its too early to be catching feelings. I say that I'm straight but im not sure. Ive been having these feelings about boys.... I think its their charm, not to mention they're fucking hot. I guess i do find some attractive...

Ondreaz groans "Tony go to bed we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow
He turns and puts the cover over his head. I turn off my phone and put it on the nightstand. I grab some cover and pull it over me.... My mind is racing... I just keep looking at the ceiling until i eventually fall asleep.


My eyes flutter open. Im looking at the ceiling once again. While i stretch i turn to see ondreaz packing his clothes..... He's showered and dressed. He looks over and sees me up "Finally your ass is up" we have to board the plane in 3 hours. We need to be there by 11:45 its 8:30 right now. I nod and stretch once again. While sitting up. I start to get up and my back cracks. Ondreaz chuckles while packing his clothes in another bag. I go to the bathroom to shower, making sure that my hair is especially clean. Once im done. I get my hair products and start messing around with my hair till im satisfied. I get dressed and started packing.... Ondreaz had left so i texted him....

(Big bro)

Yo, where'd you go?

To get us some food

Oh. Ok.

What you want from McD?

The usual.

I continued packing until i was done.
While i waited I made some tiktoks drafting most of them and only posting two. After that i went back to Instagram and started going thru Nicks insta.... He's hot i say to myself. Stop Tony.... I think i like him, but im straight right? Yes. Ondreaz comes back With the food and we eat. Next we call an uber to go to the airport. The uber arrives and we're on our way to the airport. We arrive at the airport. 20 minutes later. We're done going thru checking we still have 20 minutes before we have to get on the plane so we just walk around for a bit
20 minutes later. We board the plane.

543 words.... The next chapter is gonna start withcthem getting off the plane bc idfk what you do on a plane im scared of heights and has never been on a plane

Tonick. A love that is a bitchWhere stories live. Discover now