A/N: So, just as a general warning for all the chapters in the book, there will be flashbacks, panic attacks, swearing, bad coping mechanisms, definitely flirting, Remus's flirting, mentions of past self-harm, and mentions of past trauma and abuse. Swearing will be throughout the book and without content warnings per chapter (since it'll probably be in every chapter) but if there's ever slurs that *will* have a content warning at the beginning of the chapter. Also, each of the other warnings will be per chapter as well. In this one, there isn't anything but casual flirting and swears, but remember to take care of yourself and not expose yourself to things you know trigger you. I think that's all I have to say then, so enjoy :)
In our world, everyone has a soulmate - no exceptions. Of course, they could always die before you met them, or they could simply be a horrible person, but everyone had one regardless. From the day we turned seven on, we were allowed to go into town with our guardians to crowd around the caravan that held lockets; the thing our soulmates names would be written on. No one knew how it worked - aside from the Locket Maker - we just knew that you'd feel a locket call to you and only you, and you'd pick it. It would be perfect for you, of course, and then you'd open it in private to see the names.
So when I went into town to see the caravan for the first time and felt nothing, my guardian was worried. They'd said 'maybe next year,' in a cheery voice, and I believed them. Why wouldn't I? They were my parent, after all, and they knew best. Still, the process of going to the wagon every few months continued, each time coming back empty-handed. I knew something was wrong by the time I was nine, and everyone - even younger kids who were barely seven - had their own lockets. Yes, everyone had a soulmate. Except for me, Janus Lyre.
I don't say this to garner pity, no, I was okay with not having a soulmate. Really, I was fine with it by now - and that wasn't even a lie. I wouldn't have to worry over how my soulmate felt about me or if I was good enough for them if I didn't have one in the first place. Yes, I didn't have a companion like everyone else, but no one in town bullied me for it or even pitied me - pretty rare in of itself considering my burns. There were eyes on me when the caravan came around, sure, but that little shock of people staring was all I'd get from them in regards to soulmates. They'd watch, and wait, and wonder when I would find a locket that called to me. I never did.
Truly, I was content with my life - I was in the middle of college, worked at the local diner, was left to my perfect solitude. Yes, everything was okay.
Until five idiots decided to pile into a circle booth at my diner. Then it all went to shit.
I was an oddly cold person, though it could likely be attributed to my small stature and low weight, or even genetics if we wanted to go deeper. Regardless of the reasons, I was often cold, and today was no exception. Even after my hot shower, I was slightly chilly, pulling on a beanie in the hopes it would keep the little heat I possessed in. It semi-worked, and I barely had to rub my hands together to heat them up once I entered the diner. Pulling on my uniform in the backroom, I sighed. While yellow was my color, I still didn't want to be wearing a fully neon yellow shirt. Accents of yellow were one thing, a bright ass shirt with our diners name on it were another.
Shaking the complaints out of my mind, I began my shift, giving small smiles - some even genuine for certain townsfolk - and glaring at my friend from across the establishment. You see, this diner was a dual-purpose building, holding our diner as well as the owner's friends' shop. So while I was in a god-awful bright uniform, Remy was in his usual clothes - skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, and a leather jacket. He ignored me for the most part, only sending a wink back at me as he raised his shades, which made me stick my tongue out at him.

RomansaJanus was okay without a soulmate, truly, he wasn't even lying this time. He would never have a companion like everyone else, but he was never worried about it. No soulmate meant no worrying over what someone thought of him, because really, he didn'...