Chapter 2

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Maya Pov
I walked out of the club as nothing had happened, I told the bouncer to have a good night as I walked down the stairs. I didn't wait for a cab, I started walking down the street. I knew they would have found the bodies by now. I pulled out the burner phone and smashed it on the floor, my earpiece as well. I looked at the dark empty street and kept walking. I knew they had probably cleared out my hotel room. So I just had to make my way to the plane. I would get a cab on the next street.

I stopped when I heard footsteps vibrating of the walls. I kept walking, probably just normal people. But the footsteps got louder and heavier. I didn't look behind me. Were they people from the club? Did they know I killed him?

I turned at the next corner and stayed against the wall, I pulled off my gun and had it behind my back. I could hear my breathing as the footsteps got closer. I pressed my body harder trying to blend into the wall as I saw them. It was two men in black. One had the phone on his hands. I hear him say "l'abbiamo persa" into the phone.

They said they lost her. Was I the person they were referring too? Shit! They knew I killed him. I watched as their heads turned slowly to the corner. I didn't wait for them to see me as I pulled the trigger. The bang was louder than usual. Shit!! I took off the silencer. I looked at the other man as he pulled his gun but he was too late. I shot him. I could hear voices yelling from the phone. Now I know I won't get out of here alive if they caught me. And I only had 3 rounds left.

I didn't wait for others to show up, It won't be pretty. I took off into the alleyway. I couldn't even run in this fucking heels. I kept walking down the alley, but I stopped when I saw a car parked at the other end. The car was facing me and the lights turned on. I looked back at the way I came but there was another car. I dropped my purse in the ditch next to me. I couldn't have them knowing who I was. But I still had my gun.

I knew I couldn't shoot them, the more people I killed the more trouble I would be in. Even though eventually they would kill me. I just needed enough time for my people to look for me.

I heard a door closing and shoes. I dropped my gun and looked up at the person. But I couldn't see the face, the lights were blinding me. All I could see was the outline of his body. I opened my mouth to speak but the cloth was pressed against my nose. It was too late before I realised what it was and breathed in. The last thing I remember was that blue eyes.


My head felt like elephants jumped on it, I tried touching it with my hands but I couldn't. I couldn't move my body. I opened my eyes slowly, moaning. My head was throbbing as I moved it. I tried moving my fingers and I could. So I wasn't paralysed. I remembered what happened. I wonder how long I have been out.

I blinked and looked at my hands. I was tied to a chair. They tied it to my arm so I really couldn't move. I looked around the darkroom but stopped at a figure sitting the dark.

"You're awake?" the deep voice sends shiver all over my body. He didn't have an Italian accent like I thought he would. He sounded British. I didn't reply cause I knew it was a rhetorical question.

I heard chair scarping on the floor and heavy footsteps. I couldn't raise my head, the drugs were still affecting me. I was drowsy.

He stopped a few feet away from me. I was looking at his black leather shoes. I wonder what size he was. I moved my head slowly, stopping at his clasped hands. He had big hands, I knew those hands had ended many lives like mine.

It was filled with tattoos and rings. God if he hit me it would hurt. I admired the rings, they looked very expensive. I moved up to his face. It was him, I knew it was him. He was the one watching me at the bar. The one with the blue eyes.

He was looking at me like he won the lottery. I smirked at him "didn't your mother teach you how to treat a lady" I say looking at my tied hands

"Aren't your friends going to say hello?" I asked talking about the two guys that were hiding behind me.

I saw the anger in his eyes and he grabs my face hard, making me look up at him. I just need to buy time until they found me.

"You are no lady," he says still hold my face

"You killed two of my men"

I didn't say anything, I was looking at his face. He was very handsome, he had a beard and brown hair with a few curls. I was trying to see if I could recognise him. But I didn't.

"You killed those two gentlemen" he kept talking

"They weren't treating girls right," I say still smiling

"They are my best costumers"

"Were" I corrected him. If his face might have got angrier.

His fingers moved across my lips. Slowly, his eyes got darker as he watched my lips. The room got hotter if that was possible. I saw his lips move into a grin.

"Prenderla," he says letting go of my face and took a step back. I knew what he said, he said to pick her up. I didn't want to give it away that I understood what he said.

I heard the two guys behind me walking. They started untying me, I knew they weren't letting me go.

They moved me to a makeshift pole and tied me against it. They tied my legs together but my hands on different poles. So I was spread across it. The bad memories were coming back but I pushed it away. The man with the blue eyes just watched as they did their job. I knew they were going to question me and it wasn't going to be fun.

They checked the ropes twice before moving back. I tried to stay calm but my breathing was giving me away. I thought I would have already been found by now.

I watched as he moved slowly, with a stupid smile on his face. He was enjoying this, having me at his mercy.

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