Chapter 16

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Maya Pov

I stared at the bruising that was now forming on my neck, you could see lines were he grabbed me. I have never seen him so angry before, I didn't expect him to lose his temper. Why was it such a problem that Lucas invited me to whatever was happening tonight. Was he worried that I would do something stupid or someone would recognise me? I wasn't that stupid to try and escape when there is a bunch of Mafia lords around, that would be me signing my death warrant. Whatever was going on tonight was big and I had to keep my eyes open.
I expected him to put me in his room or lock in the basement, but I had my own room. And now a bunch of clothes, was he planning on keeping me alive for that long.
I had 30 minutes to meet him, I was in the room that I woke up in. As he said the wardrobe was filled with clothes and they were all my size. Did he plan this before we got here? I was more shocked that he knew my size. I picked up the only black dress that was hanging, the price nearly made me drop it. I was completing if I should meet him or not. But I knew that would just make him more angry, I didn't want to die yet. So I went to put the dress on.
It was the perfect fit, it was shorter than I liked and very opened at the back. My back was still bruised which you can see clearly, I guess he wanted people to see it. Perhaps he wanted to give them a show. I picked up the hairdryer so I could dry my hair, there wasn't any makeup for me to use to cover the bruises on my cheek. I guess he forgot to add that to his list or maybe he likes seeing his marks on me.
After ten minutes of me drying my hair it was finally done, I left it down like always. I've always wondered where my red hair came from, my mother had long black hair unlike me with ginger short hair. Maybe it was from my father side. Picking up the heels that was close to me, they all looked like they could take someone eyes out, they might be useful tonight.
Making some final touches to my hair, I made my way out the door. I didn't take anything with me cause I didn't own anything. I didn't see the two men that was stationed out my door before, did he move them? I started walking down the stairs slowly making sure I didn't trip and break my neck. I didn't hear his voice like last time, but I could see the back of him.
He was wearing a silk jet black suit, his curls looked wet, he had his hands in his trousers pocket. If I was to busy planning his death I would be attracted to him right now. He looked like he just stepped out of a vogue magazine.
"Wow!" I heard startling me
It was Alessio, I didn't even notice that he was there. He was also dressed in a black suit, he looked sexy as well. Must have walked in when I was distracted. He made Lorenzo turn around quickly. We made eye contact before his slowly move to my body. I held my breath but kept walking down.
"If your not gonna go get her, I will" Alessio says walking to the bottom of the stairs to meet me.
"My lady" he bows making me smile, he was a character
"Thank you Alessio" I say collecting his hands
I could still feel Lorenzo eyes on me, but I ignored him.
"You look beautiful" Alessio whispers giving me a kiss on my check
"Thank you" Iaugh softly , his smile fell when he saw my neck. He shakes his head but still held my hand.
"We are already late, let's go" Lorenzo says walking past us
"What happened?" Alessio asked looking down at me, even with the heels he was still taller than me.
"Nothing" I say following Lorenzo figure out the door. If he was going to ignore me, I can do the same.
There was a black limo waiting outside, I saw men at there station as well. There was a gate surrounding the villa, the ground was covered in grass and stones. I could hear the ocean from here, this will be a lot harder to escape.
"Get in" I felt Alessio hands in my back pushing me forward. I was trying to get familiar with the compound, didn't realise I stared for too long.
The minute my back touched the leather sit I heard Lorenzo speaking in Italian, all I heard was make sure everything is in place. I had a feeling something gonna go wrong tonight. He put the phone down the second I got in the car, taking a sit beside him. I heard him take a deep breath when my thigh touched his. The door closed making me look at Alessio standing outside, wasn't he coming with us?
"He's taking a different car" Lorenzo says next to me
"Why?" I questioned, the limo was big enough for us, in fact 4 more people could fit in. I looked at him waiting for his reply but he didn't say anything, went back to texting on his phone. This is going to be a long ride.

I shouldn't have lost my temper like that, I shouldn't let her anger me. But when she came down in only my shirt I lost my shit. When that bastard Lucas asked for a night with her I almost shot him, but a war with the Irish was the last thing I needed right now.
We weren't best of friends but we knew fighting wouldn't get us anywhere.
He was only at my villa to invite me to his wife's birthday that was happening tonight, apparently his wife wanted to celebrate her 27th in Italy. If I knew she was awake I would have move him into my office. I can't have him asking questions about her and finding out exactly who she was.

There was going to be a lot of capo and under bosses, the last thing I wanted was Maya being there. I know blood is going to be spilt tonight, I made sure to be carrying.

When he told me to bring her I knew I couldn't say no, that will just make him more interested. He just wanted to see if I cared for her and whether or not she was my weakness cause I never cared about the whore that was in my bed. But I shouldn't have hurt her beautiful skin, she was already too bruised for me to be adding to it. But the thought of anyone touching her made me lose it, I was surprised she hasn't done anything to me yet. I couldn't bring myself to look at her, the bruise on her neck was staring back at me, reminding me I was the one hurting her when I promised no one would lay hands on her again.

Alessio is getting punched for touching her, I knew he was doing it to get a reaction out of me. To see if I would react and claim her but I didn't. I couldn't. The dress I told her to wear was amazing, I knew it would do her justice and it did. She looked amazing even with the bruising on her face, I wanted to be the one meeting her at the bottom of the stairs. I should have told Emila to get her some makeup to help with the bruising but I wasn't a fan of makeup, I liked her natural.

Looking down at her, she was drinking a glass of champagne that was in the limo. I wanted to take her right here. Make her scream my name as the driver drove. If she doesn't hold her mouth tonight and ends up provoking the wrong person she might end up with a bullet in her pretty face.
The car slowed down and I knew we were here, it was only a 30 minutes drive, the house was on the other side of town.

"Don't do anything stupid" I tell her
"Tonight you are just Maya, my whore for the week. I picked you up from my club" I say, I could see she wanted to argue with me but she nodded

Looking at her once more before I opened the door, here we go. Fixing my suit I put my hands out for her, the other were just arriving as well, the capo had their women with them as well. Feeling her small hands in mine, I knew she was nervous but she wasn't showing it, she stood with her head high, like a capo's wife. I could feel the eyes of the others on her as I lead her to the doors.

"Put your head down" I whisper to her "woman here don't look men in there eyes unless told too"

"Good thing I'm not from here then" she smiles at me with her head still up, but I knew she didn't find it funny. Thank god I bought some men with me, I could here whispers already.

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