Chapter 4

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Lorenzo Pov
I looked at the redhead girl as she fainted. She had a mouth on her, I'll give her that. I can't believe she killed two of my best men. And those two white fucks at my club. The minute I saw her walk in from the screen in my office I knew she didn't belong here. She wasn't like the girls that came there. The way she walked gave it away. Girls in here knew they were properties, they walked with there heads down. But her, her head was held high. And she looked me straight in the eyes, no one looks me in the eyes, they all feared me.

I had Luca, the bouncer to give me her name and of course, she wasn't in the system. She gave a fake name, I wanted to know how she got her name on the list. I kept her eye on her as she walked to the bar. When she ordered her drink, I heard her accent American. I should have known. They think they owned everything. I wanted to know what she was doing in my club.

I let Alessio, my second in command take care of the spy we caught. I walked to the balcony and watched her. People were surprised I was here, they made way for me and looked away. I was never in my clubs anymore. But I had a meeting with the man she killed. When I saw her in person, I stopped breathing. I've never been with a redhead, I wouldn't lie and say she wasn't beautiful. I watched as her hips moved, I knew the men were watching her as well. I wanted her for myself, I wanted her in my bed screaming my name.

But when Alessio called and said there was another spy, I knew it was her. By the time I ended the call she was gone. I checked every camera until we found her outside the club. Now that the other one was dead I needed her alive. I needed to make them pay for what they did to my father.

I didn't expect to find two men dead in my club, Americans to be exact. Now the police and FBI will get involved. She moved fast I give her that, and she didn't hesitate to kill. And I knew she would kill me if I give her the chance.

When we caught her I expect her to fight, but she knew she was outnumbered. Smart girl.

It takes me long to pull her real name. The file was encrypted but we had a guy for that. Her name Maya Reed, she was younger than I thought. 24, I was 7 years older than her. She was from Ohio, nothing about her mother or father, no siblings or known family member. She was doing well in school but dropped out on her senior year. After that it's was like she disappeared, she did nothing for 2 years, not even a ticket for speeding. Then at 19, she joined the CIA.

I heard the door opening, I knew it was Alessio. He was here to tell me to just kill her.

"You can't take her with you," he says walking in

I ignored him and looked at Elia as he stitches the cut. He was the best doctor we had so I knew he wouldn't do permanent damage to her. But of course, I wasn't going to tell her that.

"Lorenzo, are you even listening to me," he says

I ignored him once again. Looking at her, what a pretty face, I almost felt bad from hurting her. Her lips were very pink and swollen. I could see blood, I wanted to lick it off her. I almost sucked her nipples before, they were calling my mouth. But I reminded myself she was the enemy.

"Stop," I say to him before he sees her. I didn't like the idea of him seeing her naked.

"Are you out of your mind, you know they will be looking for her?" he says ignoring me walking forward.

"What the fuck did you do!" He yells when he sees the blood and Elia stitching her up.

"Had to take this out?" I say showing him the tracker. I knew she would have one. That's why she wasn't begging for her life, she knew they would find her.

"Well what do you plan on doing with her?" he questions looking at her

"I don't know, she might have answers about who killed Mia and My father"

His face changed as I said her name. He was affected like me when she dies. My sister, she went to America with my father for a trip but none of them came back alive. They were both killed, execution-style. Bullet to the head. I knew the CIA ordered the hit and this girl in front of me might know who.

"I'm done capo, she should be fine," Elia says getting up.

"Give me your shirt," I say to him

He didn't question me, he did as he was told. He placed it in my hands and walked away.

"Help me untie her," I asked Alessio. He shakes his heads at me but did he did it.

I catch her before she fell. And he unties her feet. I placed the shirt covering her. She moaned when I touched her hair but didn't wake up. I smiled when I remember her promising to kill Elia. He probably shit himself, he was just a doctor. But she wasn't bluffing, I knew she would do it if I gave her a gun.

"Why are you smiling?" Alessio said looking at me weirdly

"Don't fucking think about that Lorenzo, you know what she is" he whispered yelled. "She will kill you in your sleep if you give her the chance"

I knew what he meant, I was thinking about that. But I knew that couldn't happen. We would end up killing each other.

"Take her to the car," I say

"And don't fucking touch her inappropriately" I warn him.

"Yes boss" he rolled his eyes. Picking her up.

"What did you do with the bodies?" I asked him about cleaning my favourite knife that had her blood on it.

"Got rid of it, there is no trace that they were in your club"

"Good, can't have the feds poking around"

The door closed behind him. It was time for me to leave. And I was taking Maya with me. I looked at the tracker in my hands, they won't be looking for her anymore. I dropped it on the floor and stepped on it. Making sure I heard it cracked.

They can't say she's missing either, then people will know they ordered a hit on an American and that will cause a problem. So they will try their best to hide this. Good for me, but I guess bad for her.

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