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Hattie was on her usual way home with a few snacks for her and Teddy's weekly movie night. Every Thursday they would pull an all nighter and binge watch movies or tv shows.

It was Hattie's favourite time of the week because she got to see her brother genuinely laugh and smile. She normally allowed him to choose what they watch so that he could find even the smallest bit of joy.

Her eyes were instantly drawn to the red door as she strolled down the street. She paused and noticed the coffee cup with a small note attached to it.

Maybe it was for her?

Hattie tried to tell herself to walk away, that it probably wasn't for her. That maybe someone else left it. That it would be stupid to think that Rudy left a response for her note.

She couldn't help it, she found herself walking up the small steps to the door way. She knelt down by the coffee cup and picked up the note.

"Just to make sure you're staying hydrated too

Hattie let out a small chuckle and looked up to the door. She shook her head slightly and grabbed the coffee cup. Hattie took a small sip of the coffee. It wasn't cold, but it wasn't scorching hot, so she assumed he had bought it recently. What she didn't expect was for it to be a mocha.

The brunette pulled a pen out of her bag and flipped the card around, before writing in her neatest handwriting a note back.

"My favourite, how did you know?

Hattie continued to sip the coffee as bounced she walked down the street. She had a huge smile on her face and she felt completely content.

"Good morning sunshine." Hattie grinned as she grabbed her small notepad from the kitchen countertop. Teddy didn't even say anything, he just nodded at her and continued to eat his cereal.

"You're up early." It wasn't actually early, it was 1pm, but to see the boy out of bed before 3pm was rare. "And dressed." Hattie muttered as she looked at the boys attire, he had jeans on today, still wore a oversized hoodie, despite how much Hattie teased him for wearing nothing but.

"I'm staying at Willow's today." Teddy muttered into his cereal. Willow was his girlfriend, although Hattie had never actually met her.

"Oh okay." Hattie still smiled. "Have fun." She didn't want her brother to feel guilty about skipping movie night. "Text me when you get there okay?" Hattie said placing a kiss on her cheek before going into her bedroom.

NOTES | RUDY PANKOWWhere stories live. Discover now